Tidigare seminarium/Previous seminars

Dec 3
Tim Myers, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona, Spain.
Mathematical modeling of the adsorption of environmental contaminants (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 19
Mathieu Laurière, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, NYU Shanghai, China.
Deep Learning for Stackelberg Mean Field Games via Single-Level Reformulation (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 5
Grigor Nika, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
A multi-physics system for magneto-rheological suspensions (Abstract, Slide).
May 29
Sara Hamis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Studying cell ecology with spatial cumulant models (Abstract).
May 23
Akiko Morimura, Japan Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan.
Analysis of partial differential equations for moisture transport in porous media (Abstract, Slide).
May 8
David Bortz, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
The Surprising Robustness and Computational Efficiency of Weak Form System Identification (Abstract, Slide).
Apr 2
Surendra Nepal, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
Models for capturing the penetration of a diffusant concentration into rubber: Numerical analysis and simulation. (Abstract, Slide).
Apr 3
Vishnu Raveendran, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden.
Scaling effects and homogenization of reaction-diffusion problems with nonlinear drift. (Abstract, Slide).
Apr 10
March Boedihardjo, Deparment of Mathematics, Michigan State University, USA.
Location privacy and random walk. (Abstract, Slide).
Feb 7
Meraj Alam, Mahindra University, India.
Well-posedness of Unsteady Poroelastohydrodynamics in Solid Tumors (Abstract, Slide).
Jan 31
Henrique Musseli Cezar, Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway.
Hamiltonian hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics and its use with Metainference (Abstract, Slide).
Dec 04
David Wiedemann, TU Dortmund, Germany.
Homogenisation of a system of Stokes flow and advection-reaction-diffusion transport in a porous medium with coupled evolving microstructure (Abstract, Slide).
Dec 04
Tom Freudenberg, University of Bremen, Germany.
Deep Learning for PDE based forward and inverse problems (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 29
Oliver Tse, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
A gradient flow structure for nonlocal transport equations with nonlinear mobility (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 22
Joris Bierkens, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
Piecewise deterministic Monte Carlo (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 16
Douglas Svensson Seth, Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU), Norway.
Three-dimensional steady water waves with vorticity (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 01
Liviu Marcoci, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania.
Functional Inequalities in Stratified Lie groups with Sobolev, Besov, Lorentz and Morrey spaces (Abstract, Slide).
Nov 01
Anca Marcoci, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania.
On new results about solid spaces and Schur multipliers (Abstract, Slide).
Oct 13
Tom Britton, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Mathematical models for epidemics (including Covid-19) (Abstract, Slide).
Oct 11
Giorgio Martalò , University of Parma, Italy.
A new hybrid Boltzmann-BGK model: consistency, hydrodynamic limits and applications (Abstract, Slide).
Sep 21
Kazuo Aoki , Kyoto University, Japan and National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
Boundary conditions for the Boltzmann equation derived from a kinetic model of gas-surface interaction (Abstract, Slide).
May 17
Mădălina Petcu, Université de Poitiers, France.
Relative energy approach to a diffuse interface model of a compressible two-phase flow (Abstract, Slide).
May 08
Martin Krepela, Czech Technical University, Prague.
Rearrangement-invariant hulls of function spaces (Abstract, Slide).
April 26
Vì Kronberg, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.
Freeform Reflector Design with a Scattering Surface (Abstract, Slide).
April 05
Bizuneh Minda Demissie, Karlstad university, Sweden and Addis Ababa university, Ethiopia.
End-Point Norm Estimates for Cesàro and Copson Operator (Abstract, Slide).
March 22
Patrick Schneider, German Institute for Rubber Technology e. V. (DIK e.V.), Germany.
Constitutive models for rubber (Abstract, Slide).
March 08
Renata Bunoiu, CNRS and IECL, University of Lorraine, France
Homogenization of some Problems with Sign-Changing Coefficients (Abstract, Slide).
February 08
Nicolae Suciu, Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Random walk methods for reactive transport in porous media (Abstract, Slide).
October 30
Nikos Kavallaris, Karlstad University, Sweden.
On a nonlocal parabolic problem arising in replicator dynamics (Abstract, Slides).
November 23
Harsha Hatridurga, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, India.
Strong advection problems in turbulent diffusion (Abstract, Slides).
October 19
Martin Lind, Karlstad University, Sweden.
The Fourier transform and curvature of non-circular circles (Abstract, Slides).
September 14
Filippo Agnelli, McGill University, Montréal, Canada.
Design of 3D printable thin composite panels featuring an extension-bending coupling (Abstract, Slides).
June 22
Susanne Solem, Norwegien University of Life Sciences, Norway.
A system of PDEs modelling noisy grid cells (Abstract, Slides).
June 20
Michal Benes, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia.
Analysis of coupled transport processes in heterogeneous porous media (Abstract).
June 08
Tsegaye Gedif Ayele , University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Analysis of Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Variable-Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D (Abstract).
May 11
Marwa Shahine, University of Bordeaux, France.
Compactness Property of the Linearized Boltzmann Operator for a Mixture of Polyatomic Gases (Abstract).
April 28
Riuji Sato , Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA.
On the homogenization of a system of parabolic PDEs modeling mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis ( Abstract, Slides).
April 13
Simon Grützner, Universität Bremen, Germany.
Identification of Processes Governing Damage Evolution in Linear-Elastic Continua (Abstract).
February 25
Nicole Tueni, LMS, CNRS/ ́Ecole Polytechnique/Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
M3DISIM/ Inria, Palaiseau, France.
Multiscale investigation of the structure-property relationships in the myocardium (Abstract).
February 09
Thomas Borsoni, Sorbonne University, France.
A general framework for the kinetic modeling of polyatomic gases (Abstract).
January 26
Alexander Müller, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Optimization on manifolds: methods and applications – an engineering perspective (Abstract, Slides).
January 12
Martin Lind, Karlstad University, Sweden.
Discrepancy, pseudorandom numbers, and primes (Abstract, Slides).
December 13
Rainey Lyons, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA.
Unification of Discrete and Continuous Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations(Abstract, Slides)
November 19
Alexey V. Lyulin, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Molecular-Dynamics Modeling of Nafion Membranes for Redox Flow Batteries. (Abstract)
October 20
Eckehard Olbrich, Max Plank Institute for Mathematical Science, Germany.
Political spaces from texts - the rise of populism and the reconfiguration of the German political space (Abstract, Slides)
September 29
David Cohen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
A fully discrete approximation of the one-dimensional stochastic heat equation (Abstract, Slides)
September 08
Abu Sufian, Indian Institute of Science, India
Strong contrasting diffusivity in general oscillating domains: Homogenization of optimal control problems (Abstract, Slides)
August 24
Meraj Alam, Mahindra University, India
Existence and uniqueness results for biphasic mixture models to tumors(Abstract, Slides)
June 02
Hong Duong, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Markovian limit of the generalized McKean-Vlasov dynamics (Abstract, Slides)
May 26
Ann-Marie Pendrill, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Mathematics for the whole body in playgrounds and amusement parks (Abstract, Slides)
May 5
Omar Richardson, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University
Multiscale models and simulations for diffusion and interactions in heterogeneous domains (Abstract)
April 28
Anton Tkachuk, Department of Engineering and Physics, Karlstad University
Heuristic methods for rank minimization with applications (Abstract, Slides)
April 14
Santeri Miihkinen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University
The infinite Hilbert matrix on spaces of analytic functions (Abstract)
April 07
Edgardo Luna, University of L'Aquila/Karlstad University
Multiscale mathematical model of tumor growth in static vascular environment (Abstract)
March 10
Giovanni Samaey, Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven
Coupled finite-volume/Monte-Carlo methods for plasma edge simulation in fusion reactors (Abstract)
March 03
Eddie Wadbro, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University
An introduction to material distribution topology optimization and its application to the design of a device colloquially called an acoustic diode (Abstract)
February 10
Silvia Lorenzani, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano
Mathematical models in medicine: an approach via stochastic homogenization of the Smoluchowski equation (Abstract, Slides)
January 27
Meiron Zollmann, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Multi-Scale Modeling of Intensive Macroalgae Cultivation and Marine Nitrogen Sequestration (Abstract)
December 17
Kristoffer van der Zee, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Optimal discretizations: Adaptive strategies and machine learning approaches (Abstract)
November 25
Florian Maris, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania
Stochastic homogenization of multicontinuum heterogeneous flows (Abstract, Slides)
October 20
Anssi Laukkanen, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Numerical and multiscale materials modelling of formation and effects of material defects (Abstract)
October 14
Shodai Kubota, Chiba University, Japan
Optimal control problems for phase-field models of grain boundary motions with constraints (Abstract)
September 16
Thoa Thieu, Karlstad University
Models for coupled active--passive population dynamics: mathematical analysis and simulation (Abstract)
September 2
Thomas Önskog, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Stochastic differential equations with oblique reflection on non-smooth time-dependent domains (Abstract)(Slides)
August 26
Alexander Aurell, Princeton University, USA
On modeling the behavior of pedestrians near walls and the mean-field approach to crowd dynamics (Abstract) (Slides)
August 19
Aiyappan Srinivasan, TIFR-Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore India
Homogenization of boundary value problem on a thin structure (Abstract)
June 17
Makoto Okumura, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Osaka University, Japan
Recent results on the structure-preserving scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation with a dynamic boundary condition (Abstract) (Slides)
June 10
Kosugi Chiharu (Japan Women’s University)
The initial boundary value problem representing stretching motion of elastic materials (Abstract) (Slides)
June 4
Martijn Anthonissen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
A generalized Monge-Ampère equation to compute freeform lens surfaces (Abstract) (Slides)
May 20
Sorin Pop, Department of Computational Mathematics, Hasselt University, Belgium
Numerical methods for porous media flow models (Abstract) (Slides)
April 28
Fardin Saedpanah, Karlstad University
Second order hyperbolic equations with memory term of positive type: theory and numerics (Abstract)
April 14
Toyohiko Aiki, Japan Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan
Two-scale model for moisture transport in concrete carbonation process (Abstract) (Slides)
April 8
Nils Hendrik Kröger, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., Hannover, Germany
A look behind the curtains: Modelling of elastomers (Abstract)
January 15
Alexander Bobylev, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
On self-similar solutions of the Boltzmann equation (Abstract)
December 12
Hirofumi Notsu, Kanazawa University, Japan
Numerical analysis of the stabilized Lagrange-Galerkin method (Abstract)
December 12
Boonkrong Pichit, Rangsit University, Pathum Thani, Thailand
Introduction to modelling and simulation on spreading epidemics (Abstract)
December 9
Hirofumi Notsu
An extended Maxwell viscoelastic model: Derivation and FEM (Abstract)
November 7
Manuel Borregales, SINTEF, Norway
Iterative Solvers for Poromechanics (Abstract)
October 16
Yang Zhenxing, Kanazawa University, Japan
Unique solvability of discontinuous ODEs for particle dynamics subject to impenetrable boundaries Abstract
August 28
Maria Groppi, University of Parma, Italy
Consistent BGK models for gas mixtures and hydrodynamic equations Abstract
June 18
Lars-Erik Persson, Luleå University of Technology
Some recent developments concerning Hardy-type inequalities and convex functions Abstract
June 5
Ebrahim Gozali, Karlstad University
Numerical modeling of microfibrillated cellulose suspension in a paper coating process Abstract
May 16
Vishnu Raveendran, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India
Weak solutions to second order elliptic boundary value problem and their properties Abstract
Andreas Asker, Karlstad University
Axion electrodynamics and measurable effects in topological insulators Abstract
April 17
Gustav Kettil, Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Centre (FCC), Göteborg
Multiscale methods for simulation of paper making Abstract
April 16
Surendra Nepal, University of Bonn, Germany
A well-balanced solver for granular avalanches Abstract
April 10
Alessandra Ragusa, University of Catania, Italy
Some progress on the way of regularity of minimizers of energy functionals Abstract
March 13
Emilio Cirillo, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Microscopic models for Fick and Fokker-Planck diffusion equations Abstract Slides
February 6
Thoa Thieu, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy/Karlstad University
Numerical evaluation of drafting effects on two different pedestrian populations via Monte Carlo stochastic dynamics Abstract
January 23
Alexander Bobylev, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
On some properties of Vlasov-Poisson-Landau kinetic equations Abstract
January 9
Kundan Kumar, Karlstad University
Solution strategies for a deformable porous medium Abstract
November 22
Martin Křepela, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg
The hows and whys of solenoidal difference quotients Abstract
November 20
Björn Birnir, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
The canary in the coalmine: Capelin as a probe for climate change Abstract
October 3
Kota Kumazaki, Nagasaki University, Japan
A moving boundary problem describing swelling of a pocket of water in porous materials Abstract
September 26
Hideki Murakawa, Kuyshu University, Japan
A population dynamics model of cell-cell adhesion and its applications Abstract Slides
September 5
Alfred Schmidt, University of Bremen, Germany
Modelling, simulation and optimization of engineering processes including heating in time dependent domains Abstract Slides
June 13
Torbjörn Lundh, Chalmers University of Technology
From Hippocrates to hyperbaric oxygen treatment and beyond - mathematical challenges from vascular surgery Abstract
May 30
Max A. Endo Kokubun, University of Bergen, Norway
Transport of particles in an oil-water flow in porous medium Abstract
April 18
Arthur Vromans, Karlstad University/ Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Homogenization structures: unifying two-scale convergence and S-convergence in a C*-Algebra framework Abstract
April 4
Irene Man, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Utrecht, Netherlands
Competition, synergy or both: predicting the outcome of vaccination Abstract Slides
March 28
Bogdan Suceava, State University of Fullerton, Calfornia, USA
Geometric Inequalities: From a Question of S.-S. Chern to B.-Y. Chen’s Curvature Invariants Abstract
March 21
Farid Bozorgnia, Örebro University
Multiphase free boundary problems in reaction-diffusion systems with high competition Abstract
Emilio Cirillo, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Lattice models for particle flow through obstacles Abstract
February 14
Poja Shams, Karlstad University
Eye-tracking measurements and electrodermal activity in field studies Abstract
January 24
Simon Grützner, University of Bremen, Germany
Identifying Lamé parameters in a hyperbolic linear elastic setting Abstract
November 22
Masato Kimura, Kanazawa University, Japan
Unidirectional diffusion equation and application to crack growth models Abstract
Jana Björn, Linköping University
Sobolev spaces and PDEs on metric spaces - How and why? Abstract
October 18
Martin Krepela, University of Freiburg, Germany
Stokes, Korn, Muckenhoupt: An unusual company? Abstract
October 4
Mohammad Asadzadeh, Chalmers University of Technology
Convergence of finite volume and finite element methods for the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system Abstract
September 13
Bernt Wennberg, Chalmers University of Technology
Propagation of chaos in some models of kinetic theory Abstract
September 6
Florin Sofonea, Lucian Blaga, University of Sibiu, Romania
A q-analogue of Lupas operators Abstract
August 30
Michael Eden, University of Bremen, Germany
On the homogenization of free boundary problems in the context of phase transformations Abstract
August 23
Kota Kumazaki, Tomakomai National College of Technology, Japan
A multiscale model for moisture transport appearing in concrete carbonation process Abstract Slides
June 22
I-Kun Chen, Kyoto University, Japan
Regularity for diffuse reflection boundary problem to the stationary linearized Boltzmann equation in a convex domain Abstract Slides
May 24
John Wyller, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
Neural field models Abstract Slides
May 8
Viorel Vajaitu , Lille 1 University, France
Holomorphically foliated manifolds Abstract
May 3
H. Camilo Chaparro Gutierrez, National University of Colombia, Colombia
A brief introduction to multiplication operators Abstract
March 21
Mahmoud Mousavi, Karlstad University
Nonsingular dislocation based fracture mechanics within gradient elasticity Abstract
Patrick van Meurs, Kanazawa University, Japan
Discrete-to-continuum limits of interacting dislocations Abstract
March 15
Matteo Colangeli, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Particle models with self-sustained current Abstract
February 9
Symposium in Functional and Harmonic Analysis Programme/Abstract
Maria-Jesus Carro, University of Barcelona, Spain; Carlos Perez, University of Basque Country, Spain;
Lubos Pick, Charles University of Prague, Czechia; Maria Alessandra Ragussa, University of Catania, Italy;
Gord Sinamon, University of Western Ontario, Canada
January 11
Martin Krepela, Karlstad University
Duals and embeddings of Copson-Lorentz spaces Abstract
December 12
Anca Marcoci, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania
Solid spaces and pointwise domination property Abstract
December 7
Salvador Rodrigues-Lopez, Stockholm University
Some endpoint estimates for bilinear paraproducts and applications Abstract
November 30
Simon Grützner, University of Bremen, Germany
Damage modeling, its applications, and parameter identification in elastic continua Abstract
November 10
Joep H. Evers, Dalhousie University, Canada
Pattern-formation in an aggregation model for two interacting species Abstract
November 10
Florin Diacu, University of Victoria, Canada
The classical N-body problem in the context of curved space Abstract Slides
October 17
Stephane Brull, University of Bordeaux, France
Derivation principle of BGK models Abstract Slides
October 11
Eric Setterqvist, Linköping University
Taut strings and real interpolation Abstract
September 21
Ida de Bonis, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Semilinear problems for the fractional Laplacian with a singular nonlinearity Abstract
September 7
Klaas Staal, Karlstad University
Too-big-to-fail in federations? Abstract
May 24
Omar Richardson, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Large-scale multiscale particle models in inhomogeneous domains: Modelling and implementation Abstract
May 23
Clement Rousseau, University of Limerick, Ireland
Investigation of electrical impedance tomography mathematical properties Abstract
May 19
Michael Eden, Centre for Industrial Mathematics, University of Bremen, Germany
On the modeling and homogenization of bainitic phase transformations in steel Abstract Slides
May 18
Yuanji Cheng, Malmö University
PDE based method in image analysis Abstract Slides
May 4
Adrian Muntean, Karlstad University
A crash-course in Homogenization methods and multiscale modelling: Formal asymptotics (Part 1) Abstract
April 13
Sina Reichelt, Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS), Berlin, Germany
Error estimates for elliptic and parabolic equations with oscillating coefficients Abstract Slides
April 6
Martin Lind, Karlstad University
A beginner's view of nonlinear approximation Abstract Slides
February 24
Sorina Barza, Karlstad University
Factorizations of some weighted function spaces Abstract Slides
February 17
Andreas Kassler, Karlstad University
Energy efficient control of virtual machine consolidation under uncertain input parameters for the Cloud Abstract Slides
Antonio Marotta, Karlstad University
Power efficient resources consolidation in virtualized environments Slides
February 10
Mårten Gulliksson, Örebro University
A potpourri of applied inverse problems Abstract Slides
February 9
Arthur Vromans, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
An incompressible model for a cement mixture Abstract Slides
January 27
Niclas Bernhoff, Karlstad University
Boundary layers for the discrete Boltzmann equation: mixtures, polyatomic molecules, chemical reactions and quantum extensions Abstract Slides
January 13
Adrian Muntean, Karlstad University
Heterogeneous media: Case studies in non-periodic averaging and perspectives in designing packaging materials Abstract Slides
December 21
Alexander Bobylev, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
On some properties of the Landau kinetic equation Abstract Slides