Kau doctoral courses
Welcome to the web page for Doctoral courses at Karlstad University
The web page for Doctoral courses shows all third-cycle courses at Karlstad University that have a syllabus. Some clarifications regarding the terminology:
Course start: Indicates when the course is given next time. You can choose Any, autumn term (HT) or spring term (VT). The term Always refers to supervisor-led courses that are usually given by your own supervisor when a doctoral student has a need. On demand describes a course that is given when needed by several students. Usually these are seminar-structured courses that are given for more than one doctoral students in one or more subjects.
Course language: choose between courses that are always given in Swedish, always given in English or courses that alternate between Swedish or English.
For doctoral student in: Any means that the course is open to all doctoral students, regardless of which research education subject you are admitted to. In addition, all research education subjects at Karlstad University are listed, which means that you can choose your subject and get a list of all courses you can apply for.
Syllabus: As a third-cycle student, you should click on ACTIVE and all courses that are still given will be displayed. INACTIVE refers to previous courses that can no longer be applied to.
Keywords: Here you can search for courses based on their title and course code.
Title | Credits | Course start | Course language | Syllabus | Kurskod |
Avhandlingar och disputationer inom det pedagogiska fältet | 1.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6PEA001 |
Impact and the Utilisation of Research / Impact and the Utilisation of Research | 4.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 0UNI005 |
Polymerers fysikaliska kemi | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF40 |
Systematiska översikter inom hälsovetenskaper / Systematic Reviews in Health Sciences | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 7OMV001 |
Advanced quantum physics / Advanced quantum physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Archived | 2FYS001 |
Advanced Semantics / Advanced Semantics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG032 |
Advanced topics in bilingualism / Fördjupade studier inom tvåspråkighet | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG035 |
American Literature, 1620-1919 / American Literature, 1620-1919 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG004 |
American Literature, 1919 to the present / American Literature, 1919 to the present | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG025 |
Amerikansk litteratur 1919 - nutid / American Literature, 1919 to the present | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG025 |
Amerikansk litteratur, 1620-1919 / American Literature, 1620-1919 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG004 |
Analysens fundament / Fundamentals of analysis | 7.5 HP | HT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT005 |
Analytical Approaches in Political Science / Analytical Approaches in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV002 |
Användarorienterad systemutveckling och projektledning / User-centred systems development and project management | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF004 |
Användbarhetstestning, prototyping och användarcentrerad utvärdering / Usability testing, prototyping and user-centred evaluation | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF005 |
Approaches to the study of language and gender / Approaches to the study of language and gender | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG023 |
Att kommunicera vetenskap / Att kommunicera vetenskap | 4.5 HP | VT25 | Svenska och Engelska | Active | 0UNI001 |
Att nyttiggöra forskning och vetenskap / Impact and the Utilisation of Research | 4.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 0UNI005 |
Att skriva avhandling i statsvetenskap / Writing a Dissertation in Political Science | 5.0 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV001 |
Avancerad kvantfysik / Advanced quantum physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Archived | 2FYS001 |
Avancerad semantik / Advanced Semantics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG032 |
Avhandlingens uppbyggnad och innehåll / Structure and contents of a PhD thesis | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF003 |
Bootcamp course in pulp and paper technology | 7.5 HP | VT26 | Swedish or English | Active | KTE004 |
Capture-the-Flag Challenges in Computer Security / Capture-the-Flag Challenges in Computer Security | 4.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV010 |
Classic Readings in Working Life Science / Classic Readings in Working Life Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ABV001 |
Classic Workplace Studies in Working Life Science / Classic Workplace Studies in Working Life Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ABV002 |
Classics in Theories of Space / Klassiker i rumsteori | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG006 |
Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data / Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG033 |
Communicating Science | 4.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 0UNI001 |
Computer Networking Seminar: 5G, edge and IoT / Seminarieserie inom datakommunikation: 5G, edge och IoT | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV011 |
Computer Science Colloquium / Computer Science Colloquium | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV001 |
Connections between number theory, algebra and physics / Connections between number theory, algebra and physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS015 |
Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data / Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ENG046 |
Datavetenskapliga seminarier / Computer Science Colloquium | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV001 |
Det kusliga i litteratur, film och konst / The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6LIV001 |
Didactical aspects of students' mathematics learning in programming / Didactical aspects of students' mathematics learning in programming | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT008 |
Didaktiska aspekter på elevers matematiklärande inom programmering / Didactical aspects of students' mathematics learning in programming | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT008 |
Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 3.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG042 |
Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 4.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG043 |
Dystopi och apokalyps / Dystopia and Apocalypse | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG020 |
Dystopia and Apocalypse / Dystopia and Apocalypse | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG020 |
Engelsk litteratur från 1750 till 1900 / English Literature from 1750 to 1900 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG037 |
Engelsk litteratur före 1750 / English Literature before 1750 | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG036 |
Engelskspråkig litteratur (utanför USA) 1900 talet / Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG006 |
Engelskspråkig litteratur, valfri fördjupning / English Literature, directed studies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG007 |
English Literature before 1750 / English Literature before 1750 | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG036 |
English Literature from 1750 to 1900 / English Literature from 1750 to 1900 | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG037 |
English Literature, directed studies / English Literature, directed studies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG007 |
Evidens, kunskapssammanställningar och beprövad erfarenhet inom det ämnesdidaktiska fältet | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS081 |
Exchanging Research Experience | 2.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KET002 |
Fasta tillståndets teori / Solid State Theory | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS011 |
Feminist Geographies / Feminist Geographies | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG005 |
Feministisk geografi / Feminist Geographies | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG005 |
Forskning inom innovationsledning / Innovation Management Research | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 6FEK005 |
Forskningsetik för doktorander, forskning som avser människor / Research ethics for graduate students, research referring to humans | 2.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 7OMV003 |
Forskningsetik för doktorander, grundkurs / Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course | 3.0 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 7OMV002 |
Forskningsetik och oredlighet inom Humanistisk – Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Svenska | Active | X |
Forskningsformulering i kemi | 5.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK40 |
Forskningsmetodologi inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet | 15.0 HP | VT26 | Svenska | Active | PEA |
Forskningsseminarier i natur- och teknikvetenskap | 2.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK30 |
Forskningsöversikt och referenshantering | 4.5 HP | VT23 | Svenska | Active | PEA |
Fundamentals of analysis / Fundamentals of analysis | 7.5 HP | HT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT005 |
Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) / Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6FEK004 |
Fysikalisk kemi 1 | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF10 |
Fysikalisk kemi 2 | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF20 |
Fysikalisk kemi 3 | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 2KEAF30 |
Fördjupade studier inom tvåspråkighet / Fördjupade studier inom tvåspråkighet | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG035 |
Genusperspektiv inom psykologin | 3.0 HP | HT25 | Svenska | Active | 6PSY003 |
Grounded Theory i Teori och praktik / Grounded Theory in Theory and Practice | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish | Active | 0UNI010 |
Grounded Theory in Theory and Practice / Grounded Theory in Theory and Practice | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish | Active | 0UNI010 |
Health from an interdisciplinary science perspective / Health from an interdisciplinary science perspective | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 0UNI008 |
Historiedidaktik | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS050 |
Historievetenskapliga metoder | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS010 |
Historikern i samhället | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS020 |
History of Mathematics / History of Mathematics | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT001 |
Hållbar resursanvändning och cirkulär systemanalys | 3.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7MIE002 |
Hälsa ur ett flervetenskapligt perspektiv / Health from an interdisciplinary science perspective | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 0UNI008 |
Icke-parametrisk statistik | 7.5 HP | VT26 | Svenska | Active | 1PSY001 |
Inblick och utblick i forskning om lärares professionsutveckling / Insights and prospects on research on teachers’ professional development | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT003 |
Inbyggd integritet – Dataskydd: Begrepp, teknologi, tillämpning och verksamhetsstyrning / Inbyggd integritet – Dataskydd: Begrepp, teknologi, tillämpning och verksamhetsstyrning | 5.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV021 |
Informatik som vetenskaplig disciplin / Information systems as an academic discipline | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF002 |
Information retrieval and publishing strategies / Information retrieval and publishing strategies | 3.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | 0UNI014 |
Information systems as an academic discipline / Information systems as an academic discipline | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF002 |
Informationssökning och publiceringsstrategier / Information retrieval and publishing strategies | 3.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | 0UNI014 |
Innovation Management Research / Innovation Management Research | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 6FEK005 |
Insamling, behandling och analys av lingvistiska data / Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG033 |
Insights and prospects on research on teachers’ professional development / Insights and prospects on research on teachers’ professional development | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT003 |
Integritetsskyddande teknologier / Privacy-enhancing Technologies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV003 |
Intensivkurs i massa- och pappersteknik | 7.5 HP | VT26 | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | KTE004 |
Interdisciplinary IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV006 |
Interdisciplinary IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management – Writing course / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet - Skrivkurs | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV007 |
Introduction Course Human Geography / Introduction Course Human Geography | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG002 |
Introduction Essay in Chemical Engineering | 5.0 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 2KTE002 |
Introduction to Research Studies in Computer Science / Introduction to Research Studies in Computer Science | 1.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV002 |
Introduction to Research Studies in Mathematics at the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology / Introduktion till forskarstudier i matematik på fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper | 1.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT004 |
Introduction to statistical methods in science and technology / Introduction to statistical methods in science and technology | 4.0 HP | VT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 7BIO002 |
Introduktion till forskarstudier i datavetenskap / Introduction to Research Studies in Computer Science | 1.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV002 |
Introduktion till forskarstudier i kemi på Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper | 2.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska och Engelska | Active | 7KEAK50 |
Introduktion till forskarstudier i matematik på fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper / Introduktion till forskarstudier i matematik på fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskaper | 1.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT004 |
Introduktion till statistiska metoder inom natur- och teknikvetenskap | 4.0 HP | VT23 | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7BIO002 |
Introduktionskurs för forskarutbildning inom Forskarskolan om hållbar samhällsförändring | 7.5 HP | VT23 | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 6CRS001 |
Introduktionskurs Kulturgeografi / Introduction Course Human Geography | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG002 |
Introduktionsuppsats kemi | 5.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK20 |
Introduktionsuppsats Kemiteknik | 5.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska och Engelska | Active | 2KTE002 |
Klassiker i rumsteori / Klassiker i rumsteori | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish or English | Active | 6KUG006 |
Konstruktiv länkning som metod i högre utbildning (CA) / Konstruktiv länkning som metod i högre utbildning (CA) | 0.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | CA |
Kritisk analys av språk- och diskursdata / Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ENG046 |
Kunskap och lärande | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Svenska | Active | 6PEA009 |
Kvalitativ forskningsmetod | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Svenska | Active | 6PSY005 |
Kvalitativ metod för forskarstuderande / Kvalitativ metod för forskarstuderande | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish | Active | 6SOC110 |
Kvalitativ vetenskaplig metodik / Qualitative Scientific Methodology | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish | Active | 3FHV001 |
Kvantfysik för doktorander / Quantum physics for doctoral students | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS016 |
Kvantitativa metoder för kvalitativa forskare / Quantitative methods for qualitative researchers | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 6STV010 |
Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG044 |
Language in Use: a Corpus Linguistic Approach / Language in Use: a Corpus Linguistic Approach | 7.5 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 6ENG039 |
Liegroups and Liealgebras / Liegroups and Liealgebras | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS014 |
Liegrupper och Liealgebror / Liegroups and Liealgebras | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS014 |
Literary theory and methodology / Literary theory and methodology | 12.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG018 |
Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century / Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG006 |
Literature survey | 7.5 HP | VT22 | English | Active | 7MTT103 |
Litteraturstudie i kemi I | 5.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK10 |
Litteraturstudie i kemi II | 10.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAK15 |
Litteraturvetenskaplig teori och metod / Literary theory and methodology | 12.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 4ENG018 |
Läskurs med inriktning mot samtida arbetsvetenskaplig litteratur / Reading course on contemporary working life literature | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ABV005 |
Matematikens historia / History of Mathematics | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7MAT001 |
Mean Field Games: Theory and Applications / Mean Field Games: Theory and Applications | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT007 |
Measurement and testing theory - Development and evaluation of measurement instruments in health sciences / Measurement and testing theory - Development and evaluation of measurement instruments in health sciences | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 7OMV005 |
Mät- och testteori – Utveckling och utvärdering av mätinstrument inom hälsovetenskap / Measurement and testing theory - Development and evaluation of measurement instruments in health sciences | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 7OMV005 |
Netnografi och Big Data / Netnography and Big Data | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF001 |
Netnography and Big Data / Netnography and Big Data | 7.5 HP | HT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF001 |
Overview course in Business Administration / Overview course in Business Administration | 15.0 HP | HT21 | Swedish or English | Active | 6FEK003 |
Packaging Materials | 4.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | FPIRK |
Parametric statistics / Parametric statistics | 7.5 HP | HT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 1PSY002 |
Parametrisk statistik / Parametric statistics | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 1PSY002 |
Particles and Partial Differential Equations / Particles and Partial Differential Equations | 7.5 HP | VT26 | English | Active | 7MAT010 |
Partiklar och partiella differentialekvationer / Particles and Partial Differential Equations | 7.5 HP | VT26 | English | Active | 7MAT010 |
Pedagogiskt arbete som forskningsfält | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Svenska | Active | 6PEA004 |
Peer review inom datavetenskap / Peer reviewing in Computer Science | 2.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV008 |
Peer reviewing in Computer Science / Peer reviewing in Computer Science | 2.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV008 |
Phase transformation of metals and alloys | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Engelska | Active | 7MTT102 |
Philosophy and Theory of Science for doctoral students / Vetenskapsteori för doktorander | 4.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6HIS070 |
Privacy by Design – Data Protection: Concepts, Technology, Implementation and Management / Inbyggd integritet – Dataskydd: Begrepp, teknologi, tillämpning och verksamhetsstyrning | 5.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV021 |
Privacy-enhancing Technologies / Privacy-enhancing Technologies | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV003 |
Problematisering och forskningsplanering inom risk- och miljöstudier | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6RIM001 |
Qualitative Research Methods in Working Life Science / Qualitative Research Methods in Working Life Science | 7.5 HP | VT22 | English | Active | 6ABV003 |
Qualitative Scientific Methodology / Qualitative Scientific Methodology | 7.5 HP | HT23 | Swedish | Active | 3FHV001 |
Quantitative methods for qualitative researchers / Quantitative methods for qualitative researchers | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 6STV010 |
Quantum physics for doctoral students / Quantum physics for doctoral students | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS016 |
Reading course on contemporary working life literature / Reading course on contemporary working life literature | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish or English | Active | 6ABV005 |
Regenerated Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives | 4.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | FPIRK 33 |
Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course / Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course | 3.0 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 7OMV002 |
Research ethics for graduate students, research referring to humans / Research ethics for graduate students, research referring to humans | 2.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 7OMV003 |
Research traditions in Political Science / Research traditions in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV003 |
Researching the nexus between language and thought / Researching the nexus between language and thought | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG038 |
Samband mellan talteori, algebra och fysik / Connections between number theory, algebra and physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | 2FYS015 |
Samtida sociologisk teori | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Svenska | Active | 6SOC120 |
Scanning Probe Microscopy / Scanning Probe Microscopy | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS013 |
Selected Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications / Selected Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT006 |
Seminarier och forskningspresentation / Seminars and Presentation of Research | 3.0 HP | Always | English | Active | 6ENG027 |
Seminarieserie inom datakommunikation: 5G, edge och IoT / Seminarieserie inom datakommunikation: 5G, edge och IoT | 7.5 HP | VT22 | Swedish or English | Active | 7DAV011 |
Seminars and Presentation of Research / Seminars and Presentation of Research | 3.0 HP | Always | English | Active | 6ENG027 |
Seminars within Chemical Engineering | 1.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2KTE001 |
Service Management - Teori och Forskning / Theory and Research in Service Management / Theory and Research in Service Management | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 1FEK002 |
Social Media Language and Discourse / Social Media Language and Discourse | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG045 |
Social perspectives on second language learning – theories and methods / Social perspectives on second language learning – theories and methods | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG040 |
Sociala perspektiv på andraspråksinlärning – teorier och metoder / Social perspectives on second language learning – theories and methods | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG040 |
Socio-emotionellt välbefinnande och psykisk hälsa för elever med särskild begåvning | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Svenska | Active | 6PEA013 |
Solid State Theory / Solid State Theory | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS011 |
Språk i användning: En korpuslingvistik metod / Language in Use: a Corpus Linguistic Approach | 7.5 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 6ENG039 |
Språk och diskurs i sociala medier / Social Media Language and Discourse | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 6ENG045 |
Språk och genus: Teoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv / Approaches to the study of language and gender | 7.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6ENG023 |
Språkanalys inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap / Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG044 |
Språkvetenskapliga avhandlingar - aktuell forskning och publiceringsformer / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 3.0 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG042 |
Språkvetenskapliga avhandlingar- aktuell forskning och publiceringsformer / Dissertations in Linguistics - current research and forms of publication | 4.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6ENG043 |
Statsvetenskap som forskningstradition / Research traditions in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV003 |
Statsvetenskapliga analysinriktningar / Analytical Approaches in Political Science | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV002 |
Steels: properties and heat treatments | 15.0 HP | HT21 | English | Active | 7MTT101 |
Structure and contents of a PhD thesis / Structure and contents of a PhD thesis | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF003 |
Surface Physics / Surface Physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS003 |
Sustainable Resource Utilization and Circular Systems Analysis | 3.0 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 7MIE002 |
Svepprobmikroskopi / Scanning Probe Microscopy | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS013 |
Systematic Reviews in Health Sciences / Systematic Reviews in Health Sciences | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish and English | Active | 7OMV001 |
Tal och social interaktion i institutionella sammanhang: Från datainsamling till analys / Talk and social interaction in institutional settings: From data collection to data analysis | 7.5 HP | HT25 | English | Active | 6ENG041 |
Talk and social interaction in institutional settings: From data collection to data analysis / Talk and social interaction in institutional settings: From data collection to data analysis | 7.5 HP | HT25 | English | Active | 6ENG041 |
Teach like a champion (TLC) | 1.0 HP | Always | English | Active | TLC |
Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) / Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) | 1.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | RRR |
Teori i historievetenskaplig forskning | 75.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS030 |
Teori och metod för praktiknära och praktikutvecklande ämnesdidaktisk forskning | 7.5 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 0UNI013 |
Teorier, begrepp och metoder inom risk- och miljöstudier | 10.0 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6RIM002 |
The art of writing a thesis and feeling great along the way - writing processes and academic writing | 5.0 HP | VT25 | English | Active | 6SOA100 |
The Sodium/Sulfur-Balance in a Pulp Mill | 4.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | FPIRK 20 |
The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art / The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art | 7.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 6LIV001 |
Theory and Research in Service Management / Theory and Research in Service Management | 7.5 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 1FEK002 |
Theory of Science / Theory of Science | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV020 |
Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV006 |
Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet - Skrivkurs / Tvärvetenskaplig sommarforskarskola i personlig integritet och digital identitet - Skrivkurs | 1.5 HP | On Demand | English | Active | 7DAV007 |
Undervisa på universitet: Kunskap, lärande och praktiskt lärarskap (KLL) / Undervisa på universitet: Kunskap, lärande och praktiskt lärarskap (KLL) | 3.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | KLL |
Undervisa på universitet: Ramar, regler och resurser (RRR) / Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) | 1.0 HP | Always | Swedish or English | Active | RRR |
Usability testing, prototyping and user-centred evaluation / Usability testing, prototyping and user-centred evaluation | 7.5 HP | HT24 | Swedish and English | Active | 6INF005 |
User-centred systems development and project management / User-centred systems development and project management | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6INF004 |
Utbildningshistoria | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS040 |
Utvalda delämnen i funktionsrum och tillämpningar / Selected Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications | 7.5 HP | VT23 | English | Active | 7MAT006 |
Vatten som risk och resurs i en nordisk kontext / Water as risk and resource in the Nordic context | 5.0 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6KUG008 |
Vetenskapsteori / Theory of Science | 7.5 HP | VT25 | Swedish | Active | 6STV020 |
Vetenskapsteori för doktorander / Vetenskapsteori för doktorander | 4.5 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6HIS070 |
Water as risk and resource in the Nordic context / Water as risk and resource in the Nordic context | 5.0 HP | VT24 | English | Active | 6KUG008 |
Writing a Dissertation in Political Science / Writing a Dissertation in Political Science | 5.0 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 6STV001 |
Writing in Science and Technology | 5.0 HP | HT24 | English | Active | 7DAV013 |
Writing Workshop for PhD students | 0.0 HP | On Demand | English | Archived | WWPhD |
Ytfysik / Surface Physics | 7.5 HP | On Demand | Swedish or English | Active | 2FYS003 |
Ytors och kolloiders fysikaliska kemi | 4.0 HP | Alltid | Svenska eller Engelska | Active | 7KEAF50 |
Ämnesdidaktikens vetenskapliga bas | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS080 |
Ämnesdidaktisk forskning och utvecklingsarbete | 7.5 HP | Vid behov | Svenska | Active | 6HIS060 |
Översiktskurs i företagsekonomi / Overview course in Business Administration | 15.0 HP | HT21 | Swedish or English | Active | 6FEK003 |