Reading course on contemporary working life literature
The course consists of an individually designed and executed literature study within a relevant area, where the literature is selected by the doctoral student in consultation with the teacher in charge, normally the main supervisor or another suitable person with teacher expertise. The doctoral student conducts independent studies of assigned literature in the form of research papers, books, book chapters, or other material. Selected research literature shall constitute a considerable deepening and/or broadening of knowledge that is relevant to the doctoral student’s own third-cycle studies. Texts that are subject to assessment may not be included in the doctoral student’s thesis without reprocessing. A mandatory project plan for the literature study is submitted to the examiner for approval. The literature assignment includes, in addition to self-study and the writing of a final report, at least two scheduled meetings with the teacher in charge, where the knowledge acquired so far is presented and discussed. The doctoral student must give an oral presentation in the form of a seminar at a time that is decided jointly by the doctoral student, teacher in charge and the examiner. The seminar should be open to other doctoral students and researchers at the department, and preferably be included in the regular seminar series of the subject.