Collecting, managing and analyzing linguistic data
The course has a methodological focus and outlines types of language data and their role in linguistic research. Both theoretical perspectives such as language data’s suitability for different research fields, foci and approaches as well as a practical introduction to tools, methods and ethical and legal aspects of data collection, storage, presentation, and analysis are discussed.
Course goals
Upon completion of the course, doctoral students should be able to
- give an account of different types of linguistic data and explain their role in linguistic research,
- demonstrate knowledge of tools and methods that are available for data collection, storage, presentation, and analysis,
- demonstrate an understanding of ethical implications and legal aspects of data collection and storage,
- compare and critically evaluate methods of data collection and analysis, and
- critically assess the suitability of linguistic data sets to research fields and approaches.
Admission to a doctoral program.
Assessment takes the form of oral presentations and individual written hand-in assignments.
For doctoral student in