Teach like a champion (TLC)
Target Group
Teachers who have started or will start employment as university teachers
30 hours
Learning outcomes and content
After the course, the participants should be able to:
1. Explain the pros and cons of teaching techniques presented in the course.
2. Plan and apply teaching techniques presented in the course in their own teaching.
The aim of the course is for you to choose a teaching technique from the book Teach like a champion 3.0 (by Doug Lemov) and adapt it to your own teaching. The assignment must be reported before the end of the course and you choose how you want to present it (in writing, a video, presentation or something else).
It is important that you have the course book before the start of the course. During the first course meeting, we will make a plan for your work and how you want to present it. During the second course meeting, you present your idea and receive feedback from the teacher and the other course participants. Based on that feedback, you will be able to complete your task.
Dates and registration
For current dates and registration, visit https://sola.kau.se/course-registration/ or contact the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UPE) via upe@kau.se for more information.
ECTS credits?
ECTS credits are not awarded for UPE courses. The 1 hp credit presented in the course is a suggestion that must be confirmed by your personal examinator. The courses should be regarded as staff training, designed to develop and ensure high quality in the credit-based education that we offer our students.
However, in some cases, a transfer of ECTS credits may come in question. For example, a doctoral student’s examiner may decide that some of the courses are relevant to the doctoral student’s individual study plan and transfer credits for those courses.