Exchanging Research Experience
Students present and discuss their own material and actively discuss three other research projects.
Course goals
The aim of the course is to give students an opportunity to develop skills in introducing others to their own research project, its problems and methodological issues, and to learn about other projects.
The course is offered to admitted doctoral students in chemistry, chemical engineering and environmental and energy systems. Students are recommended to take the course when they have made some progress in their studies, preferably at a point when a decision about a direction needs to be discussed with experts other than the supervisors. Other students may be admitted after consultation with the course convener or head of department.
Assessment is based on short written reflections on the works of others and the presentation and argumentation of their own projects. Reflections must be based on their own project or the literature.
Admission rules
Each syllabus states target group and eligibility, which should be based on the prerequisites necessary to understand and process the content of the course. Syllabi and scheduled course meetings are posted on the course portal web page for the doctoral level, which is also open to the public.
Doctoral students who wish to take a course should sign up according to instructions on the course portal.
Admitted students must meet the requirements stated in the syllabus. If there are more prospective students than the teaching capacity allows, priority is given to students as follows:
- If the course is not included in the obligation stated in item 2 below, admission is primarily granted to eligible students at the department offering the course. If the course is offered jointly by several departments at Karlstad university, priority is given, as agreed, by the departments concerned. If the course is commissioned by the Faculty, all students at the Faculty belong to the prioritised group. In the case of cross-faculty courses, all students at Karlstad University belong to the prioritised group. If order of admission must be made in the prioritised group, the student who first signed up according to the requirement above, is given priority.
- If the course is part of a commitment to a national or international graduate school, network or equivalent, priority is given to their participants.
- If there is an agreement on exchange with a subject, department or faculty at another HEI, eligible students from such institutions have second priority
- Other eligible students at Karlstad University have third priority.
- Other eligible students at other HEIs have fourth priority.
The appointed course convener decides on admission of students to a doctor level course in accordance with the order of priority stated above.
Upon completion of the course, the course convener issues a course certificate with a proposed grade to the students.