Feminist Geographies
This course will explore feminist theory and methods as specifically focused on past and present representations of race, class and gender and its material consequences. This includes disrupting conventional binaries by addressing mobilities and the personal and intimate in the political, economical and global. The course also addresses the persistent power relations embedded within conventions of academic knowledge production.
After first setting out the diverse aims of feminist geography, the course examines three central areas of concern — Feminist geography and global labour studies, Gender, work and everyday life, and Intersectional feminism and “doing” feminist geography.
To engage with these ideas, the course combine lectures, readings, workshops/excursions and seminars with a range of extended material (films, art, policy documents).
Host institutions: the human geography departments in the universities of Gothenburg, Karlstad, Umeå and Uppsala.
Send your application for the course to lena.grip@kau.se. Include your name, institution and personal identity number. We encourage applicants to include an explanation of how the course might influence or be valuable to your scholarly interests and your thesis.
Applications will be accepted up until June 23, and the organizers will inform all applicants whether or not they are admitted to the course shortly after the deadline. Seats in the course are limited so we cannot guarantee everyone admission.