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Travelling to Karlstad University

CTF » Samverkan » Konferenser och seminarier » Nationell konferens i transportforskning
GETTING TO THE UNIVERSITY Karlstad has a very efficient and convenient public transport system. Bus lines 1,2 and 3 go from the city center to the university. The bus stop  is called “Universitet” – do NOT sit on the bus until “Campus” unless you wish to see the student dorms!
Psychology student Olivia Rosén has been awarded Lilla Psykologpriset. The prize of 10,000 SEK is annually awarded by the Swedish Psychological Association to a psychology student who, during their studies, has worked to improve people’s quality of life. Hello Olivia and congratulations! How does it feel?  “It feels incredibly good. I feel honoured and proud.
With support from the Ander Foundation, the Service Research Center (CTF) is happy to welcome Pascal Le Masson as a visiting professor. Pascal Le Masson is a professor at the Mines de Paris Research University, and has a distinguished background in design-oriented management and innovation. Pascal Le Masson is an engineer and a professor at MINES ParisTech – PSL Research University.
Reuse and other circular solutions are becoming increasingly common in the retail business to enable more sustainable consumption. To promote this transition requires more knowledge on how companies can create better conditions and customer experiences in relation to circular retail.

From rare bird to professor

News » 2024-04-03
In House 11, Erik Wästlund is just finishing a Zoom meeting on research funding. He is new as professor of psychology, but a familiar face in the university corridors. – I started studying psychology here in 1996, he says. – Back in those days it was mostly because I wanted to do something more besides my job working in a bar. But pretty soon my studies became more important than my work. Psychology was not a given choice.

University pedagogy training

Om universitetet » Om Karlstads universitet » Vårt ansvar » Universitetspedagogik
As of Autumn 2020, there was a new model in place for UPE’s courses for university teachers. We now offer more courses but each course is less comprehensive. It will also be up to the individual teacher and his/her supervisor to choose the courses that are most relevant in their particular case. UPE’s mission is to provide excellent, relevant training and thus support teachers in doing their job. RANGE OF COURSES Below you can find short information about our courses.

Ukrainian students - transfer studies to Karlstad University

Om universitetet » Om Karlstads universitet » Fakta om universitetet » Med anledning av invasionen av Ukraina
Can I transfer my studies to Karlstad University? General information about credit transfer All students at Karlstad University must apply through where all our programs and courses are available. The application period for the spring semester 2023 is September 15th to October 17th.
For students of English at Karlstad University, there is the option of doing a semester abroad and having your studies accredited in total or in part towards either English II or English III. Two of the universities with which we have exchange programs running are presented below; in both cases, exchanges are available only during the autumn semester. For further alternatives, contact the university's international coordinator or international study adviser.

Computer science at Karlstad University provides a positive environment for learning

CSmaster » Att läsa Datavetenskap på Karlstads universitet
- The masterprogram in computer science enables students to think outside the box and apply their ideas practically in the projects which they are working on, says Furqan Nadeem who is studying at Karlstad University as a scholarship student. The master’s program in computer science at Karlstad University focuses on computer security and networking field so this degree serves as a platform to prepare students to excel in the job market. - My experience of my first year a

6th International Workshop on Kinetic Theory & Applications

Matematik » Samverkansprojekt » Kinetic Theory and Applications » Workshops
Karlstad University, May 12-14, 2014 Invited speakers: K. Aoki (Kyoto) L. Arkeryd (Göteborg) M. Asadzadeh (Göteborg) A. Bobylev (Karlstad) Y. Brenier (Paris) S. Caprino (Rome) B. Chetverushkin (Moscow) L. Desvillettes (Paris) F. Filbet (Lyon) I. Gamba (Austin, Texas) F. Golse (Paris) S. Mischler (Paris) A. Nouri (Marseille) I. Potapenko (Moscow) M. Pulvirenti (Rome) G. Russo (Catania) S. Rjasanow (Saarbrücken) G.
On the morning of 15 May, a drill for emergency personnel will be held on campus in Karlstad. – The drill will be noticeable to people moving in the immediate area, says Jan Gambring, Chief Security Office at Karlstad University. The drill includes personnel from the police, Region Värmland, Karlstad Rescue Services and the County Administrative Board in Värmland.

International cooperation

Om universitetet » Om Karlstads universitet » Internationellt
Karlstad University cooperates with universities in many other countries through visiting researchers and the exchange of teaching staff and students. We have agreements with about 200 universities and are involved in a number of international networks. Global Partners at Karlstad University Our ambition is to increase understanding for other cultures and to strengthen the University’s role in the international knowledge community.
The pro-Palestinian protests that are taking place at universities and university colleges around the world have now also reached Karlstad. On the night of Thursday 16 May, a group of protesters set up tents in the park next to the main entrance of Karlstad University.

Already in the middle of your career? Boost your skills at the Business School

HHK » Utbildning » Redan mitt i karriären? » Boosta din kompetens på Handelshögskolan
Societal challenges require in-depth competence. For those of you who already have a career, the Business School offers you to further sharpen your skills. There are different ways to boost your education. On the one hand, your employer can pay for the education and on the other hand, you can study at the School of Economics as a student.
Scarlett Roa Brynildsen studied Personnel and organization at Karlstad University. Today she runs her own company, Bright Red Future AB, where she is a consultant and lecturer in business development, internationalization and sustainable business. Why did you choose to study at Karlstad University? ”I was living in Säffle and student life in Karlstad seemed attractive. I had a baby when I was 20 and shortly after I started at the university.

How to apply

Utbildning » Att läsa på universitetet » Anmälan och antagning
In general, all students wishing to study at Karlstad University must apply online, using the national application database However, if you are an exchange student the application process is different. Karlstad University will only process applications received by the application deadline.

How to apply

CSmaster » Masterprogram i datavetenskap
In general, all students wishing to study at Karlstad University must apply online, using the national application database However, if you are an exchange student the application process is different. Karlstad University will only process applications received by the application deadline.

Veronica Stigsson is the alumna of the year for 2018

Alumn » Årets alumn » Tidigare Årets alumner
Veronica Stigsson, alumna of the year for 2018, has contributed much to the food industry through her knowledge of and interest in chemistry and chemical reactions. The joy she takes in her work as well as her skills make her an excellent ambassador for Karlstad University. “I am honoured and glad, but was surprised when I heard that I’ve been named alumna of the year.

Religious studies in the world

Religionsvetenskap » Samverkan och utbyten
Religious Studies is by definition an international discipline and has been organised in this way at Karlstad University for a long time. The impact of today’s global and multicultural society is present in all our subject courses. Our department is often visited by international guest lecturers who discuss religion and the teaching of religion in different national contexts from varied perspectives and give the students many opportunities for international insights.

Collaboration in the subject of Swedish

Svenska språket » Samverkan
Teachers from the subject of Swedish contribute to other courses and programmes at Karlstad University, primarily teaching written and oral presentation skills. We can also offer commissioned courses through Uppdrags AB, for instance in reading and writing development, rhetoric, and presentation techniques. The National Agency for Education is our main client at the moment, and we supply training and course modules to Läslyftet, the Government CPD initiative in Literacy.