On-campus and distance education, autumn semester 2021 at Karlstad University
2021-08-20The autumn semester at Karlstad University starts on 30 August. New students at study programmes, where the student groups are not too large, are prioritised to start the semester on campus.
International students will also be taught on campus. If possible, second-year students will gradually be offered on-campus teaching during the fall, as long as the groups are not too big.
– We are prioritising new students for on-campus education, and we are looking into ways in which we can offer last year’s students more opportunities to study on campus. It feels good that we are starting to sense a return to normality, says Johan Sterte, vice-chancellor at Karlstad University.
Roll call
Some programmes with new students, as well as programmes with second-year students, will still have distance roll calls. The reason for this might be that the groups are larger than 50 people, or that the teachers on the programmes in question have decided on distance teaching. More information on whether your programme has on-campus teaching or distance teaching can be found in the introductory information.
Regular on-campus teaching from 8 November
Restrictions in order to reduce crowding and minimise the spread of infection, are still in place. Hence, Karlstad University is planning a complete return to regular operations from 8 November. That means that teaching, examinations, and laboratory experiments should primarily be executed in person on site at Karlstad University for all student groups who have not been admitted to a distance course or programme, in accordance with decisions for each course and programme instance.
More information:
Information regarding the coronavirus and Covid-19.
FAQ for students.
The main entrances at Karlstad University will be open from 30 August.
The University Library is also open, to a limited extent.