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People who own or have access to a holiday home are called “the invisible population” because they can be difficult to reach in the event of a crisis. Geomedia researchers at Karlstad University emphasise the importance of increasing the knowledge regarding how crisis communication from authorities needs to reach temporary populations. Holiday homes are a significant part of Swedish tourism.

English language support

Bibliotek » Skriva & referera » Skriva » Skriva akademiskt
The English language support service is open to all students at Karlstad University. Our aim is to help you improve your English language skills and become more confident about using English for academic purposes. Individual Help We offer 45-minute tutorials to individuals looking to improve their writing skills.
One6G is a non-profit association with over 100 academic and industry members. Karlstad University can use one6Gs network for establishing strategic collaborations and partnerships with other one6G members. – As one6G member, we can propose new or participate to existing joint research topics as part of one6G working groups.

Sustainability day at Karlstad business school

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Event och arrangemang
Sustainability Day: Organizational transformation and Societal impact - in the light of Agenda 2030 11 December - 2023 13.00 - 16.00 Lagerlöf 1A305, Karlstad University and online via Zoom Organizational transformation and Societal impact - in the light of Agenda 2030 Listen to interesting lectures about how sustainable solutions are becoming increasingly important and gain new knowledge on how to create more sustainable events, businesses, and organizations. Prog

Researcher visit from Bangladesh

CSR » Forskning » Pågående forskning vid CSR » Påverkan på människors hälsa i Bangladesh av konsekvenser från klimatförändringar
During week 33 CSR were visited by a delegation of researchers from Bangladesh. The visit was part of an ongoing project, consequences to human health in Bangladesh by Climate Change, which aims at developing a strong research network in the field of Climate change and health. Photo: Researchers from Khulna University, Centre for injury prevention and Research Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and the Centre for Societal Risk Research.

Nina Lykke, Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

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Nina Lykke has a background in comparative literature, but her main focus has always been gender. She held a position as researcher in gender studies at the University of Southern Denmark from 1981 to 1999, and headed the university’s centre for women and gender studies during this period. She was appointed to the position of docent [associate professor] at the same university in 1992, with a dissertation on feminism and psychoanalysis.

Travel to the conference

Centrum för genusforskning » Evenemang och seminarier » Evenemang vid CGF » ÄLDRE EVENEMANG » CGF-evenemang före 2020 » Decolonizing Transgender in the North. 4th Nordic Transgender Studies Symposium
Karlstad is easily accessible by road, rail and air. It's situated about 300 km west of Stockholm, 225 km east of Oslo and 250 km north of Gothenburg (Göteborg). The trip from Gothenburg to Karlstad takes about 2,5 – 3 hours, and can be made either with bus ( or by train ( If you want to stay in Gothenburg before or after the conference its better to buy the train ticket separately from the airport shuttle ticket.

Sture Nordh, honorary doctor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2019 » Hedersdoktorer 2019
”Karlstad University wants to acknowledge my commitment to improving working life and increasing funding for research in the field. This pleases me because a major sustainability challenge concerns the future of work." Sture Nordh grew up on a farm in Västerbotten, near Skellefteå, in a family of active members of associations and societies. As a child he listened to discussions in board meetings relating to agriculture, church and politics, in the big farm kitchen.
Mikael Granberg, professor in political science and director of the Centre for Societal Risk Research has been appointed honorary professor at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. */ Professor Granberg has been appointed honorary professor at RMIT's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies (GUSS). And, through this appointment, Granberg also holds a position as associated researcher at RMIT's Centre for Urban Research.
If you are interested in the connection between computers and humans, the master's program in computer science is for you. Jonathan Magnusson, doctoral student in computer science at Karlstad University, talks about his experiences of an education that in principle guarantees jobs. The step to higher education was not far for Jonathan Magnusson.

The Grants and Innovation Office

Lärarutbildningen » Forskning » Forskningsmiljöer » Forskningssamverkan
The Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) supports individual researchers and research groups at Karlstad University in developing external funding strategies, as well as working with the personal and professional development of research staff. Support is offered through a range of competence development activities, for both individuals and groups, as well as in connection with external research funding applications to regional, national and international funders. The GIO a

Voices from our students

HHK » Utbildning » Att läsa på HHK » Interviews with international students
At Karlstad Business School you will meet students from all over the world. They study here in Karlstad one semester, one year, two years or at PhD level. Some study only courses and programmes at Karlstad Business School while others take advantage of being part of a whole university and choose courses in areas such as interculture och gender studies. What is life like as an international student at Karlstad Business School?

Scholarships via Karlstad University's Scholarship Committee

Utbildning » Stöd under studierna » Stipendier och bidrag
Karlstad University have a number of scholarships that are announced via the university’s scholarship committee. You can find more detailed information about the scholarships and how to apply on the page of each scholarship. The application period for 2023 is between 15 March and 12 April. If no one is awarded a specific scholarship during the spring semester it may be announced again in September/October.

Application and admission

CS » Research » Utbildning på forskarnivå » Att forskarstudera vid Karlstads universitet
If you are interested in doctoral studies, you should start by contacting the faculty or the subject that conducts teaching and research within your area of interest. Most of those who wish to study at postgraduate level apply for a doctoral studentship. Vacant doctoral positions are advertised in newspapers and on the university’s website.

On the right side of history or the wrong side of empire? Queer approaches to international politics

Centrum för genusforskning » Evenemang och seminarier » Evenemang vid CGF » ÄLDRE EVENEMANG » CGF-evenemang 2022 » Nationell konferens för genusforskning - G22 » Öppna paneler
Contemporary global queer politics is haunted by colonial legacies. In the 19th century, European imperialists viewed the imposition of heteronormative ideals, through e.g. colonial sodomy bans, as a way to modernize “savages” and root out pre- colonial forms of gender dissent and same-sex desire in Africa, Asia and the Americas.

Margareta Wahlström, Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Om universitetet » Om Karlstads universitet » Akademiska högtider
Margareta Wahlström grew up in Boden in the sixties, a decade which informs her international interest. She wants to understand the complexity of the world in terms of the conflicts of that time – nuclear threats, disarmament issues and their consequences to human beings. Seeking answers, she studied anthropology, economic history, political science, the history and society of Antiquity in Stockholm.

The University Chaplaincy

Utbildning » Stöd under studierna » Stöd du kan få som student
No matter what your religion is – or if it is none at all – you are welcome to the University Chaplaincy. You can talk with us about existential questions like identity, relation, meaning, faith, studies or something else you fancy talking about.
Our physical environment – the way it looks and functions both inside and outside – matters a lot for the university to attract students and employees. The document Campusplan 2040 points out the long-term direction for the university’s physical environment. The plan has been created as a collaboration project between the university and Akademiska hus.


Bibliotek » Forskarstöd » Kurser och stöd » Stöd till forskare
The service Speech-to-Text allows researchers at Karlstad University to have research material in the form of audio and video files transcribed via machine transcription. The service supports transcription in multiple languages.
I would like to start by saying thank you for the warm welcome I have received during my first weeks at Karlstad University. I have already met several of you and I look forward to more meetings in the day-to-day operations. I enjoy meetings, both planned and spontaneous. It might come as a surprise that someone from management would utter such a thing, given the number of meetings I have attended over the years and the likelihood of a very busy schedule ahead.