14. English language support
The English language support service is open to all students at Karlstad University. Our aim is to help you improve your English language skills and become more confident about using English for academic purposes.

Individual Help
We offer 45-minute tutorials to individuals looking to improve their writing skills. Aspects of writing that a tutorial might focus on include:
- Sentence construction
- Grammar and vocabulary
- Paragraph structure
Please note!
Our aim is to equip you with tools to help you develop your academic English. Rather than providing a proof-reading service, we work together with you to improve your writing.
Making an appointment
To make an appointment for a writing tutorial, send an email to languagesupport@kau.se or go to our online booking system at https://kaubibl.onlinebooq.se/
Students are entitled to four language support sessions; after that their needs will be assessed before they receive further support.
Academic Writing Centre
The English Language Support is part of the academic writing centre (Skrivpunkten), which is situated on Level 3 of Karlstad University Library.
Online drop-in session
Tuesdays, 12.00-12.30
If you would like speak to a writing tutor before booking a tutorial or you have a question regarding academic English, please feel free to come along to our Tuesday online drop-in session.
- Zoom link: https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/skrivhandledning
Academic Writing - a Canvas course
To help you work on your writing on your own, we have created a Canvas course presenting some of the basic features of academic English. You can also use the Canvas pages as a quick guide.
- Academic Writing – a Canvas course https://kau.instructure.com/courses/8274