15. Services for students with disabilities

Talking books - listen to your course literature
As a student with a reading disability, you can borrow your course literature in the form of a talking book from MTM - Swedish Agency for Accessible Media. You get access to talking books by contacting the library's contact persons. They will give you an account to MTM's catalogue LEGIMUS and also teach you how to download and read talking books.
More information about Talking books
ClaroRead Plus - Text-to-speech software
ClaroRead Plus is a text-to-speech software which can read texts and documents back to you in a human sounding voice. ClaroRead Plus also allows you to convert printed documents and image PDFs into accessible PDF’s or Word documents.
ClaroRead Plus (PC & Mac) is available for students to download to their private computer.
More information about ClaroRead Plus
StavaRex & Spellright - spell check software
StavaRex and SpellRight is available for PC and Mac and all students can download to their private computer.
More information about StavaRex & SpellRight
Assistive apps
Here you can find tips for some mobile phone applications that makes it easier for you to write or listen to a text.