Research Group
Management team
Christina Olin-Scheller
Holds a PhD in Literature and is Professor of Applied Pedagogy and Literature studies with a specific focus on young people's reading and writing in the present medialandscape
Yvonne Liljekvist
Professor in Mathematics Education. In her research, she study questions related to prerequisites for mathematics teaching and mathematics learning
Martin Stolare
Professor of History, with a special interest in history education research in primary school.
Senior researchers
Gabriel Bladh
Professor of Social Science Education, with a focus on the geography subject and how geographical knowledge and perspectives are developed and used in education, academia and daily life.
Jelle Boeve-dePauw
Jorryt van Bommel
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics education. Research interests: Early years mathematics, Teachers' professional development, Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, Problem-solving.
Brian Hudson
Guest Professor with particular research interests in mathematical thinking, ICT and learning, epistemic quality and comparative approaches to curriculum making.
Nina Kilbrink
Senior Lecturer, Applied Pedagogy. The research interests are Vocational Education, Technical Education, Narrative Research, Variation Theory, Learning Study, ICT in Education, Transfer and the relation between Theory and Practice in technical vocational education.
Lise Iversen Kulbrandstad
Visiting Professor, specialising in reading and reading practices, literacy, second language education, minority language pupils, multilingualism, subject-specific education, etc.
Martin Jakobsson
Senior Lecturer in Social Studies, who pursues research on civics teaching with a focus on the relationships between the school subject and the academic disciplines on which it is based.
Yvonne Liljekvist
Birgitta Ljung-Egeland
Senior Lecturer in Swedish, whose research areas are language and learning (especially multilingualism) and children's and young people's health and development.
Kenneth Nordgren
Professor of Social Science Education, with a special interest in history education and intercultural perspectives.
Ann-Christin Randahl
Associate professor Swedish
Johan Samuelsson
Professor of History, specialising in the development processes of the subject history and its role in society, as well as issues relating to the history of education generally and history education in particular.
Erica Sandlund
Professor of English Linguistics, Sandlund’s research centers on social interaction, particularly institutional talk, such as in multilingual language classrooms, second language speaking tests, performance appraisal interviews, and teachers’ professional development.
Marie Nilsberth
Associate professor of Educational Work, specialising in the social interaction between the teacher and student in the classroom.