Welcome back Federico Artusi! In 2019, you were a visiting PhD student at CTF and Karlstad Business School. Now you are back to teach and conduct research. How does if feel and what have you been doing since last time?
- Thank you, it is wonderful to be back! I feel very excited, and thanks to my previous visit I am a bit familar with the place and the people here. During my previous stay I was finalizing my PhD studies.
One of the most significant transformations from analogue to digital has occurred during the pandemic to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. More and more tasks are becoming digitalized, from daily work assignments to communicating with external parties. This rapid transformation has pushed organizations and individuals to develop their overall digital competence rapidly.
This blog post presents an ongoing study on measuring digital competence.
A model for servitization in practice and a model for collaboration between research and the business community. These are some of the results of the project ServzChall where researchers from CTF at Karlstad University have collaborated with companies in the manufacturing industry to develop new knowledge on servitization.
Christina Öberg, professor of Marketing, have received a research scholarship from the Knut & Ragnvi Jacobsson Family Foundation for the project "Dealing with the unforeseen - prediction and change in the light of the pandemic and AI".
The project deals with developing research on corporate networks and how business leaders perceive and are affected by networks in decision-making situations.
- I have focused my research on networks between companies for almost 20 ye
Per Skålén, professor of Business Administration, have received funding from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond to conduct full-time research in 2022. During this time he will further develop his research on marketing practices.
- I am very pleased to have received the funding for this project and to be able to do full-time research.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, are expanding their range of flexible courses for professionals. Registration is now open for courses in digitalisation, customer journey and idea management, two of which are offered for the first time. The courses will start at the end of January and registration is open until 18 January.
Registration is now open for the first courses of the spring term aimed at working professionals.
In November, Alexandre Sukhov was a visiting researcher at MINES ParisTech University, France. Tell us, what did you do there?
- I was there to meet with fellow researchers in order to advance our collaboration and research in the field of innovation and idea management. MINES ParisTech has a strong scientific foundation and great expertise in engineering issues, creativity management, design and complex problem solving, which is close to my own research profile.
2021 is soon coming to and end. In this Christmas greeting, the director sums up some highlights of the past year.
Christmas and New Year approaches, and soon we can put another eventful and challenging year behind us. When I look back and sum up the past year, there are, despite the pandemic, several important achievements and positive happenings.
In his doctoral thesis, Proactivity in Service Failure and Service Recovery, Jasenko Arsenovic has focused on the process of managing customer complaints.
Taking care of your customers is at the core of the retail business. A greeting or just a friendly smile can make people open their wallets a little bit more. The first 30 seconds in a store is crucial for the customer’s impression of the place. But it is possible to rectify a bad first impression.
… and head of Karlstad Business School at Karlstad University which recently received AACSB accreditation. Congratulations, how does it feel?
"Thank you, it feels fantastic!
What creates value for fans, and what does their experience look like in today's digital music community? This is what researchers Jenny Karlsson and Jessica Edlom have studied by following the fan community of the Swedish artist Robyn.
Engagement from fans is an important engine when promoting artists. Active and co-creative fans are sought after, used, tracked and taken for granted in the quest for strong music brands.
Patrik Larsson, professor of Working Life Science and dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Karlstad University, was a researcher at CTF for many years. He was also the director of CTF during 2006 – 2012. Here, he shares some memories and reflections.
Looking back at how I first became a part of CTF, I would say it was a bit of a coincidence, at least the timing and circumstances. My goal was to become a HR director in a private company.
Fredrik Wikström is a newly appointed professor of Energy and Environmental Technology. He conducts research on how packaging can contribute to a sustainable development where less food is wasted. In recent years, this research has been praised and received attention in the media.
Fredrik Wikström holds a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics at Uppsala University and received his PhD in Systems Ecology from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
By focusing on prevention and methods for intervention, researchers Anna Fyrberg Yngfalk and Markus Felleson at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, hope to contribute with new knowledge.
The two researchers have received funds from the Nordic Council of Ministers through NIKK, Nordic Information on Gender, in order to analyse how Nordic ideals related to management and organisation affect the work environment for people working in the service sector and
A systematic approach to improvement, development, learning, collaboration and feedback to society are important tasks at a modern, ambitious business school.
Inger Roos is a senior associate professor in Marketing and was a researcher at CTF during 2002 - 2016. Here, she shares some memories of her first meeting with CTF and what made her become a researcher.
For many years, CTF has meant a lot to me and for my research on customer relationships stability.
In November, three new distance courses with focus on business models, servitization and value creation through service will start. They are developed for professionals and are given by CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University.
The five credit courses are developed to suit professionals where work and studies can be combined. They will run part-time and are free of charge.
The course participants will take part of theoretical and practical knowledge.
Linda Bergkvist and Charlotte Bäccman at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, have studied clients, healthcare personnel, IT personnel and healthcare managers in Swedish and Norwegian municipalities in order to create a better understanding of challenges in implementing digital assistive technology.
The study is published in the anthology "Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation" and shows a complexity where different actors hav