News archive for "Ctf"

Margareta Friman is a professor of psychology and pro-vice chancellor at Karlstad University and has been part of CTF since the mid-90s. Here, she reflects and share some memories from her time at CTF. It all started when Professor Patrik Larsson, former CTF director and current dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, gave me the opportunity to try out the life as a researcher.
Karlstad Business School has compiled the report ”Sharing information on our progress 2019 - 2020” as a part of the work within PRME. PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) is a tool that makes it possible to fulfil Karlstad Business School’s vision, as well as a way to coordinate the ambition in relation to the goals. The report “Sharing information on our progress 2019 - 2020” covers the two years (2019-2020) which the six principles of PRME and Karlstad
Mia Larson, professor of business administration at CTF and Karlstad Business School at Karlstad University, is one of the authors behind a newly published article where she, together with other researchers, have studied the use of the cultural concepts of “fika” and “hygge” in destination marketing. "The concept of fika has existed in Sweden for about 100 years. It is used by Swedes as a common expression for drinking coffee accompanied by something sweet.
We are happy to welcome Henrik Rehn Johansson, new PhD student in psychology at CTF. His research will focus on motivational factors for everyday travel. Hello Henrik, can you tell us about your background?-  I have studied at Umeå University where I earned a Master of Science in Psychology with a specialization in sports.
We often hear about the importance of a strong brand. But how does a brand really affect the customer's experience of a service? Results in a new study show how customers’ experiences in service encounters are affected differently by the characteristics of a brand, store and consumer factors.
Rarely has our research on behavior change, service development, ecosystems and public services been as current, relevant and applicable as during this past year. The pandemic has significantly affected our lives and changed many behaviors with consequences for companies and the public sector, and for society and individuals as well. As one of Sweden's largest research centers, it is important to reflect on this.
Innovation, transformation and sustainable development during changing times marked by the pandemic were in focus at CTF´s Service Innovation Day 2021 where the participants listened to presentations from Vinnova, Ikea, Systembolaget and Ica Maxi on how they work with these issues.
Per Pettersson, professor of sociology of religion at CTF, is retiring after 26 years as researcher and research leader focusing religious and social change with a service perspective. As senior professor he looks forward to meeting research colleagues around the world as soon as the corona pandemic slows down. Per has an academic background in theology at Uppsala University, and was ordained as priest in the Church of Sweden 1979.
At least since the start of the Covid19 pandemic digitalization has reached most of us. By now we are all familiar with using digital platforms to meet and socialize. However, digitalization is much more than changing the way we connect and communicate; it also changes how information is gathered, analysed and used for decision making processes.
The EU have created definitions and pilot projects based on smart villages – a concept that has emerged to shift the focus on development from cities to rural areas and small towns. Interest from community stakeholders is immense. In the last decades, smart cities have increasingly been hailed as an urban development ideal and a solution to current and future environmental and climate-related challenges.
Agnieszka Kitkowska is a new postdoctoral researcher at CTF where she is studying online privacy and decision-making, and barriers that consumers face during digital transactions. What is your background and what brought you to CTF?"I have a multidisciplinary background with one master's degree in art and one in computing. Last year, I successfully defended my Ph.D. in Computer Science.

CTF's Annual Report 2020

News » 2021-04-19
We have now published our annual report for 2020. In the report, we summarize the past year and share highlights of our research and collaboration with partners from academia, business and the public sector. 2020 was a different and challenging year marked by the corona pandemic. Despite the challenges with restrictions and new routines, we managed to perform at a continuously high level and drive research forward.
Mia Larson’s research is in the borderlands between organization and marketing and her focus has been on tourism, events and sustainable development for a long time. Today, her focus is on digital services and personal integrity, and she was recently promoted to professor of Business Administration at Karlstad University. Mia's current research focuses on digital services and personal integrity.
From the perspective that life after the coronavirus never fully will be the same, and we will not go back to “business as usual”, the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgent need to rethink the human ecosystem. The relationship between humanity and nature, and, more specifically, the service ecosystem. While it is clear that the crisis will contribute to a transformation of the world as we know it, dare we hope that it can be transformed into one that is more inclusive and sustainable?