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How do I read e-books? All our e-books can be read online without logging in or using special programs. If you would like to make notes, print or download you may also need to create a personal account with the vendor. Outside campus students and employees need to login with their KauID to use the e-books. E-books come in different formats, the most common are PDF or EPUB. Both formats can be open or copyrighted.

The Grants and Innovation Office

Lärarutbildningen » Forskning » Forskningsmiljöer » Forskningssamverkan
The Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) supports individual researchers and research groups at Karlstad University in developing external funding strategies, as well as working with the personal and professional development of research staff. Support is offered through a range of competence development activities, for both individuals and groups, as well as in connection with external research funding applications to regional, national and international funders. The GIO a
Zelalem Abay, tell us about your background – I was born and raised in Ethiopia. In 2014, I came to Sweden to study my Master’s degree in Accounting and Control at Karlstad Business School. Before that I completed Master’s degree in Accounting and Finance at Addis Ababa University and worked as a University Lecturer in Ethiopia. I completed my PhD study from Gothenburg University in 2022 and subsequently joined Mälardalen University as Senior Lecturer.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences is the university's largest faculty with more than 600 employees and doctoral students, who educate and meet more than 13,000 students. The faculty's activities are organized into seven departments for education and research, which include the School of Business and the Ingesund Academy of Music.

Safety and fire

Student » Meny » Mina studier » Bra att veta
Below is information on the University’s physical safety, for example, fire protection and cardiac arrest emergencies, and documents on what to do in case of accident or death. For questions, contact the university’s chief of security, Jan Gambring, tel. 054-700 18 80. Suspected cardiac arrest Karlstad University has eight defibrillators.
“Over time, I have developed a strong drive. I want my research to change working life for the better, and thereby contribute to improved public health.” Kristina Palm is from Grödinge, 30 kilometres south of Stockholm. She is an electrical engineer, specialised in quality technology. She graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. She is has a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Science and is a docent at KTH. Here doctoral thesis examined work engagement.

Sunet Drive

Forskning » Forskningsdata » Under projekt
Karlstad University uses the storage solution Sunet Drive for its research data. This is a cloud-based storage solution offered via Sunet. The storage makes it possible to both share data and control the access to data, within and outside of Karlstad University. Sunet Drive should be used for all storage and internal sharing of research data at Karlstad University.
Mikael Granberg, professor in political science and director of the Centre for Societal Risk Research has been appointed honorary professor at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. */ Professor Granberg has been appointed honorary professor at RMIT's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies (GUSS). And, through this appointment, Granberg also holds a position as associated researcher at RMIT's Centre for Urban Research.
Susanna Rydahl blev inte nöjd med bara en utbildning. Hon tog steget vidare och har skaffat tre olika examen och kompletterande utbildningar på Karlstads universitet. Idag jobbar hon som biträdande rektor på Älvkullegymnasiet. Name: Susanna Rydahl Age: 51 Examen: Bachelor’s degree in business administration with specialisation in small business administration (1990), Master’s degree in industrial project management (2003), Masters of Arts in Secondary Education (2006).

Research interests

Arbetsvetenskap » Forskning » Forskning inom Arbetsvetenskap
Below is a description of some of the ongoing research at Working Life Science at Karlstad university Digitalisation and work Digitalisation affects all levels and structures of society. Work life science's research regarding digitalisation is based on an interdisciplinary perspective and relates to how work and the work environment are affected when digital solutions are implemented.


Forskning » Forskarutbildning » Forskarutbildningar » Doktorandsektionen
 As a doctoral student there is much information that is useful for you to know.  On this page we have collected many helpful facts concerning different areas of being a PhD, like supervision, departmental duties, individual study plan, etc., with links to each topic if you want to know more.   Supervision  Doctoral students are entitled to supervision and are meant to have at least two supervisors, one of whom should be the principal supervisor, according to The Higher

Jessica Comte, Master’s in Information Systems

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
Jessica Comte, what did you study at Karlstad Business School? - The Bachelor’s programme in IT, Project Management and ERP Systems from 2018 to 2020, and the Master’s programme in Information Systems from 2020 to 2022. Why did a Master’s programme at Karlstad Business School appeal to you? - I already had a career when I was looking for programmes, and I needed my studies to be 100% remote.

Engage with us

DAMI4.0 » Samverkan
Your opportunities for collaborating with DAMI4.0 Our researchers and development engineers can support you with digitization and engineering related services for different application areas connected to Industry4.0, including:  Machine Learning Big Data processing Security and safety aspects Industrial IoT systems Cloud and Edge Compute Solutions 5G and real-time networks Additive Manufacturing Digital Twin based Process Optimization and Control Lean Factory Design as well as societ

Ellinor Johansson, Master in Working Life Science

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
What is your current occupation? "I've been working as an HR partner at NCC since 2017. It's an exciting assignment and I have the overriding HR responsibility for our region Civil Middle (Värmland, Örebro, Västmanland & Sörmland) with around 300 employees. I have the privilege of supporting all heads on staff issues and work with our management team to develop our operations.   Why did you choose to study the Master programme in working life studies?
I want to start by thanking all of you for doing such a fantastic job throughout the year. I hope you will have the opportunity to relax, recharge your batteries and enjoy some well-earned time off. Last time I wrote about my first impressions of Karlstad University and how I view our development going forward.

Interlibrary loans - borrowing material from other libraries

Bibliotek » Låna » Beställa » Fjärrlån
Material or copies of material not available from the library may be obtained via other libraries. We cannot guarantee that all material will be sent, as all libraries have different regulations regarding interlibrary loans. Who can order interlibrary loans? The interlibrary loan service is aimed at those who study, research or work at Karlstad University.

Course literature

Bibliotek » Lärarstöd » Bibliotekets stöd till lärare » Användbara tips
The library acquires the literature required for all the courses available at the university. According to the library's acquisition policy electronic books are preferred to printed editions. Printed course literature The library has the books required for all the courses available at the university.