Exchanges and collaboration
Doctoral students can apply for student exchange and practical placement within Erasmus+, and if they teach they can do teaching assignments in Erasmus+ as long as they fulfil the criteria for the programme. For third-cycle study, the criteria stipulate full-time study at the third-cycle level at an international institution and for the course of study to be part of a Karlstad University degree. Research is not included, but work to prepare your thesis is. The length of the exchange is 3-12 months. Information about staff exchange can be found on Inslaget, the University intranet available to all employees.
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Research calls and opportunities for development within a 3-year targeted research project, a research collaboration between South Africa and Sweden. Information about SASUF can be found on Inslaget, the University intranet available to all employees.
Research calls and opportunities for development between Japan and Sweden. Mirai | MIRAI – Connecting Swedish och Japanese universities
International network collaboration in the areas of research and education between Nordic universities and universities in southern Africa. Karlstad University is a member, and each year at the annual meeting it is possible to meet network representatives, get information about upcoming activities, and find out about projects and funding.
Karlstad University is a member of this international network in order to offer opportunities for projects, bilateral research and education collaborations, and the chance to take part in a “Research Pitches” contest and visit via “STELLA”.
NCI is a Nordic network of university colleges and universities which aims to promote collaboration between the Nordic countries and India. Karlstad University is a member, which makes it possible for researchers to apply for grants, receive support from NCI in questions concerning research, accommodation possibilities at the NCI office in Delhi, and so on. For Karlstad University students, it means an opportunity to take one of the summer courses organised by NCI, for instance, or to apply for practical placement with NCI.
The university has up to 250 collaborations globally which concern student exchange. We are ready to help expand or strengthen existing collaborations if and when employees wish to develop a collaborative project or get in touch with one of our partners.