Jaime Ortega Gutiérrez, associate professor in Marketing at the University of Seville, has been visiting CTF for three months to get to know CTF and meet with the researchers.
Hello Jaime, can you tell us about your research?
– My research areas include value co-creation, social networking, service innovation, and knowledge management within the service sector specifically in tourism.
Samuel Petros Sebhatu, Karlstad Business School, attended the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Global forum in New York, 12-16 June 2023 hosted by Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business.
The PRME global forum 2023 focuses on impact across various session themes: pedagogy, climate, digital, and leadership.
“Borrow and return” is the motto for the research project Retake, which is testing its rotation-based system for recyclable cups and plates during “Almedalsveckan”.
A small group of pioneering founders led the creation and early evolution of the service research field. A new article in Journal of Service Management provides service wisdom from ten of those pioneering founders, me being one of them.
Professors David Bowen and Ray Fisk specified three criteria by which to identify a pioneering founder. In total, 12 founders met the criteria were invited to join Bowen and Fisk.
Johan Quist, associate professor in Business Administration, was one of four invited researchers who took part in the seminar “Meeting complex challenges with the help of research”.
Julia Dicenta, PhD student at the University of Hohenheim in Germany, has been visiting CTF for five weeks to meet with the researchers and to work on a joint project.
Hello Julia, can you tell us about your research?
– My research is in service design and focuses on integrating customers in developing services.
The capacity for innovation has decreased according the latest results by the Swedish Innovation Index where the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University asked thousands of customers to rank the innovativeness of Swedish companies, organisations and authorities.
Kristin Svärd shares some insights from her research; causes, effects, and solutions on how to prevent food waste.
It might seem like a problem that would be quite easy to solve, food waste. It easily resonates, and most people and organizations would probably agree with a “let’s stop throwing away food” mission. It is like my co-author puts it; No one wakes up in the morning thinking “today, I’m going to waste food”.
Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University conducts research on services and value creation based on a user perspective, often with an emphasis on customer experiences.
In this blog article, CERS director and CTF’s advisory board member Kristina Heinonen shares some reflections of what is “hot” in service research and how research centers like CTF and CERS are making a difference in today’s society.
The fast pace of political, economic, and social change is reshaping the global landscape. Are researchers and business professionals keeping up and exploring solutions to society’s most pressing issues?
- Measures taken to reduce the impact on ecosystems are central, and with our long-term knowledge development to reduce food waste, the project can make a difference, says Helén Williams.
Helén Williams is an associate professor in Environmental and Energy Systems at the Service Research Center (CTF) and has high expectations on the project, which will begin in the spring 2023 together with Nifa, an industry association for local food and beverage companies in Värmland.
The development of packaging is one of the reasons why the welfare society was able to emerge. With increasingly sophisticated packaging, food could be consumed long after it was harvested or slaughtered, and far from the place where it was produced.
Food production is the sector with the greatest impact on the planet’s ecosystem.
The public sector tops the digital trust list according to a new survey on Swedes’ view of digital privacy conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University. Another conclusion is that more and more people are willing to sell their personal information.
In 2015, 37 percent of Swedes stated that they have confidence in the public sector when it comes to handling personal information digitally.
Professor Bo Edvardsson summarizes and reflects on a new book chapter and provides guidance on how to become more successful when developing new services.
Businesses and other organizations need to renew themselves to survive in fast changing markets. This is today even more important than ever before.
Research.com, a leading academic platform for researchers, has released its annual list of top researchers in the field of business and management.
Bo Edvardsson, professor of business administration at Karlstad business school, is ranked 191 on the international list. Nationally, research.com lists Bo Edvardsson significantly higher, which puts him in an impressive second place.
Congratulations Bo Edvardsson.
Between 22 and 26 February, researchers from Service Research Center (CTF) visited the Gothenburg Horse Show to study how event participants experience a rotation system with reusable takeaway cups.
The researchers were there to study a rotation system with reusable containers for food and beverages - in this case coffee cups - and gauge event participants reactions. The system will be tested at three events in 2023, and the Gothenburg Horse Show was first up.