Kau doctoral courses

Welcome to the web page for Doctoral courses at Karlstad University

The web page for Doctoral courses shows all third-cycle courses at Karlstad University that have a syllabus. Some clarifications regarding the terminology:

Course start: Indicates when the course is given next time. You can choose Any, autumn term (HT) or spring term (VT). The term Always refers to supervisor-led courses that are usually given by your own supervisor when a doctoral student has a need. On demand describes a course that is given when needed by several students. Usually these are seminar-structured courses that are given for more than one doctoral students in one or more subjects.
Course language: choose between courses that are always given in Swedish, always given in English or courses that alternate between Swedish or English.
For doctoral student in: Any means that the course is open to all doctoral students, regardless of which research education subject you are admitted to. In addition, all research education subjects at Karlstad University are listed, which means that you can choose your subject and get a list of all courses you can apply for.
Syllabus: As a third-cycle student, you should click on ACTIVE and all courses that are still given will be displayed. INACTIVE refers to previous courses that can no longer be applied to.
Keywords: Here you can search for courses based on their title and course code.

Title Credits Course start Course language Syllabus Kurskod
Impact and the Utilisation of Research / Impact and the Utilisation of Research 4.5 HP HT24 English Active


American Literature, 1620-1919 / American Literature, 1620-1919 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


American Literature, 1919 to the present / American Literature, 1919 to the present 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Amerikansk litteratur 1919 - nutid / American Literature, 1919 to the present 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Amerikansk litteratur, 1620-1919 / American Literature, 1620-1919 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Att kommunicera vetenskap / Att kommunicera vetenskap 4.5 HP VT25 Svenska och Engelska Active


Att nyttiggöra forskning och vetenskap / Impact and the Utilisation of Research 4.5 HP HT24 English Active


Capture-the-Flag Challenges in Computer Security / Capture-the-Flag Challenges in Computer Security 4.0 HP On Demand English Active


Classics in Theories of Space / Klassiker i rumsteori 7.5 HP HT23 Swedish or English Active


Communicating Science 4.5 HP VT25 Swedish and English Active


Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data / Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data 7.5 HP VT25 Swedish or English Active


Det kusliga i litteratur, film och konst / The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Dystopi och apokalyps / Dystopia and Apocalypse 7.5 HP VT24 English Active


Dystopia and Apocalypse / Dystopia and Apocalypse 7.5 HP VT24 English Active


Engelsk litteratur från 1750 till 1900 / English Literature from 1750 to 1900 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Engelsk litteratur före 1750 / English Literature before 1750 7.5 HP VT24 English Active


Engelskspråkig litteratur (utanför USA) 1900 talet / Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Engelskspråkig litteratur, valfri fördjupning / English Literature, directed studies 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


English Literature before 1750 / English Literature before 1750 7.5 HP VT24 English Active


English Literature from 1750 to 1900 / English Literature from 1750 to 1900 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


English Literature, directed studies / English Literature, directed studies 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Forskningsetik för doktorander, grundkurs / Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course 3.0 HP VT25 English Active


Forskningsetik och oredlighet inom Humanistisk – Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning 7.5 HP HT23 Svenska Active


Information retrieval and publishing strategies / Information retrieval and publishing strategies 3.0 HP Always Swedish or English Active


Informationssökning och publiceringsstrategier / Information retrieval and publishing strategies 3.0 HP Always Swedish or English Active


Klassiker i rumsteori / Klassiker i rumsteori 7.5 HP HT23 Swedish or English Active


Konstruktiv länkning som metod i högre utbildning (CA) / Konstruktiv länkning som metod i högre utbildning (CA) 0.0 HP Always Swedish or English Active


Kritisk analys av språk- och diskursdata / Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data 7.5 HP VT25 Swedish or English Active


Kvalitativ metod för forskarstuderande / Kvalitativ metod för forskarstuderande 7.5 HP HT24 Swedish Active


Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Literary theory and methodology / Literary theory and methodology 12.0 HP On Demand English Active


Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century / Literature in English outside the US, the Twentieth Century 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Litteraturvetenskaplig teori och metod / Literary theory and methodology 12.0 HP On Demand English Active


Netnografi och Big Data / Netnography and Big Data 7.5 HP HT25 Swedish or English Active


Netnography and Big Data / Netnography and Big Data 7.5 HP HT25 Swedish or English Active


Parametrisk statistik / Parametric statistics 7.5 HP HT24 Swedish or English Active


Philosophy and Theory of Science for doctoral students / Vetenskapsteori för doktorander 4.5 HP VT25 English Active


Problematisering och forskningsplanering inom risk- och miljöstudier 7.5 HP Vid behov Svenska Active


Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course / Research Ethics for Doctoral Students: Basic Course 3.0 HP VT25 English Active


Samtida sociologisk teori 7.5 HP HT24 Svenska Active


Seminarier och forskningspresentation / Seminars and Presentation of Research 3.0 HP Always English Active


Seminars and Presentation of Research / Seminars and Presentation of Research 3.0 HP Always English Active


Social Media Language and Discourse / Social Media Language and Discourse 7.5 HP HT24 English Active


Språk och diskurs i sociala medier / Social Media Language and Discourse 7.5 HP HT24 English Active


Språkanalys inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap / Language Analysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Teach like a champion (TLC) 1.0 HP Always English Active


Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) / Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) 1.0 HP Always Swedish or English Active


Teorier, begrepp och metoder inom risk- och miljöstudier 10.0 HP Vid behov Svenska Active


The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art / The Uncanny in Literature, Film and Art 7.5 HP On Demand English Active


Theory of Science / Theory of Science 7.5 HP VT25 Swedish or English Active


Undervisa på universitet: Kunskap, lärande och praktiskt lärarskap (KLL) / Undervisa på universitet: Kunskap, lärande och praktiskt lärarskap (KLL) 3.0 HP Always Swedish or English Active


Undervisa på universitet: Ramar, regler och resurser (RRR) / Teaching at University: Frameworks, rules and resources (RRR) 1.0 HP Always Swedish or English Active


Vetenskapsteori / Theory of Science 7.5 HP HT25 Swedish Active


Vetenskapsteori för doktorander / Vetenskapsteori för doktorander 4.5 HP VT25 English Active


Writing Workshop for PhD students 0.0 HP On Demand English Archived