News archive for "Ctf"

This article, by CTF-researchers Fredrik Wikström, Helén Williams and Jakob Trischler, aims to analyse the most important packaging functions that affect food waste in households for different products, as the reason for wastage can be expected to differ between different products. The United Nations sustainability goal SDG 12.3 is to reduce the amount of food that is wasted by half, due to environmental and social reasons.
Researchers from Europe and North America met at Karlstad University to discuss the broader perspective of Marketing ethics and CSR with a focus on the role of positive and normative marketing ethics, and the change in business ethics due to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain Technology at “The 7th Pat Murphy International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility”. More than 25 researchers from several countries in Europe and North Americ
Digital services and platforms were in focus when CTF and Cambridge Service Alliance held a seminar at Cambridge University. Researchers and industrial partners presented current projects and future challenges. It was a successful event where academia and practitioners met to exchange experiences and insights. Dr.
Service innovation is a concept that, for the last decade, has received increased attention both among academics as well as practitioners. But it is not easy to understand what the concept means, and why it is important.
Congratulations to Lars E. Olsson, Associate Professor of Psychology, for the CIM Best Reviewer Award 2018! The award is presented by the journal Creativity and Innovation Management, with the motivation: "Lars receives this year's CIM Review Award because his numerous reviews in 2018 have shown true commitment and excellent quality for the CIM journal.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, seeks a Senior Lecturer in Business Administration with specialisation in marketing to further develop and strengthen CTF's research in the field. The appointed senior lecturer will be connected to ongoing research at CTF. The position includes a research component, at least 50% of full-time, that will be financed through one of the externally funded research projects conducted at CTF.
On March 28-29, researchers Katrin Lättman and Margareta Friman participated in the BEST Annual Seminar 2019 in Helsinki, Finland, where they presented current research on the travel habits of different life stages, with focus on the elderly.
On March 27-29, the Swedish research school of Management and IT (MIT) held the 2019 Spring Conference at Karlstad University, hosted by CTF, Service Research Center and Karlstad Business School.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, seeks a Professor in Business Administration with marketing specialization to further develop and strengthen CTF's research in the field. The appointed professor will be linked to ongoing research at CTF, and at least 50% of duties involve research financed by one of the presently externally funded projects at CTF – to be decided on the basis of the successful candidate’s research profile.
We have an increasing awareness regarding our environment. According to the United Nations panel for assessing the science related to climate change (IPCC), global warming needs to be reduced by 1.5 degrees, which requires substantial changes of organisational and individual behaviour. Currently, 1.3 billion tons of food – the equivalent of 30 percent of the world’s agricultural production – is thrown away.
The online course "Servitization" will start in August 2019. Servitization, also called service infusion or service-product systems, is a highly important issue for many manufacturing companies around the world. If servitization is important and crucial for your organizational development, then this course is for you. Servitization (6 ECTS credits) is a web-based course at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in servitization.
In a recent study, researchers Johan Högberg and Erik Wästlund at CTF, Service Research Center, have developed a new tool that can measure users’ experiences while using a gamified service. The measuring tool, Gamefulquest, makes it possible to measure a user’s experience while using a gamified service. "With the help of this tool we can investigate how different game elements affect the gameful experience and create an understanding for how different implementations of g
Ikea is the most innovative company on the Swedish market followed by MTR Express and Netflix in second and third place. This is according to the Swedish Innovation Index, a new index which focuses on innovation from the customers’ perspective, developed by researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden. There are different types of innovation and different ways to measure innovation.
In a recently published CTF article, researchers Frida Skarin, Lars E. Olsson, Margareta Friman and Erik Wästlund address the factors that affect behavioral changes in public transport. The researchers have studied a two-week free public transportation-trial where people, who fulfilled certain criteria, were allowed to travel free of charge by public transport for two weeks.
Read new blog post by PhD Student Josina Vink. Service design is gaining increasing interest and investment in healthcare. This can be seen by the proliferation of design labs popping up in healthcare organizations around the globe.

One moment Johan Netz...

News » 2019-02-28
In early February, you and Jörg Pareigis participated in the conference ”ICDE Lifelong Learning Summit” in Lillehammer, Norway. Can you tell us about the conference? - The conference is a meeting place where academia, the public and private sector meet to discuss the challenges around disseminating knowledge for lifelong learning.
The feeling of being more independent. More time to support and encourage the residents to manage on their own. These are some reflections from residents and staff at Resurscentrum in Karlstad Municipality, who tested a so called intelligent shower for one year.