What happens when global and national sustainable development policies are managed in different local conditions? What agency and tools do municipalities and small local communities have in order to manage transition challenges and societal risks?
Research on justice in connection with disasters and sustainable development is becoming increasingly important in a world where climate change and social inequalities create new challenges.
Choral singing is a geographically widespread phenomenon in Sweden. Despite this, it has received relatively limited attention in research. Until now. Per Göransson, who recently completed his PhD in Human Geography at Karlstad University, has done research on the subject.
Choirs have been a popular cultural activity for a long time in Sweden.
How will our actions today affect future generations? What would the effect be if we looked not just 50 or 100, but millions of years ahead? And what role does history play in creating a sustainable future?
Avit Bhowmik, Assistant Professor in Risk and Environmental Studies, who is going to attend COP28 in Dubai, which starts today, reflects on the SB meeting in Bonn.
The annual Conference of Parties (COP) 28 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will be hosted by Dubai is knocking at the door. Almost everyone who keeps an eye on climate change policy at the global level is by now familiar with COPs.
Cows grazing on a green field under a blue sky. Healthy pigs rooting around in the mud. Chickens in the springtime sunshine. We are surrounded by romanticised images and stories of animals raised for food. But it is both difficult and complicated to ensure ethical animal husbandry within the financial and practical confines of reality. In her doctoral thesis, “How do animals become food?
In a recently published perspective article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers put forward an agenda for integrated climate catastrophe assessment, emphasizing the need for in-depth understanding of climate change induced mass human mortality and even extinction.
In a commentary article published in the same journal, Research Director of Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation and Assistant Professo
Mangroves can thrive in harsh environment and are used to natural perturbations like tropical cyclones. But, with several confounding pressures exacerbating each other, mangroves fail to withstand and diminish.
Mangroves, the coastal cousins of the inland forests, do not only represent a unique set of rich biodiversity but also provide important livelihoods, coastal defence, and carbon sinks.
Researchers Avit Bhowmik and Sol Agin comment on the latest report from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
For the very first time, IPCC explicitly recognized and emphasized the role of diverse non-state and subnational actors in climate action.
A way of life characterised by hard work and a conviction that the food we eat needs to be produced in a way that is good for humans, animals and the planet for a long time to come. Running small-scale, sustainable farming has its challenges – and opportunities. In the first workshop organised by the project Biokuma, participants got to exchange experiences and ideas.
What was your first food memory?
SweDigArch has been awarded funding from the Swedish Research Council to create a national infrastructure for digital archaeology. The new infrastructure is a collaborative venture between six Swedish universities, the National Heritage Board and National Historical Museums. SweDigArch is a unique initiative that will link data from research, archaeological excavations and digitized museum collections.
On May 20-22, the conference re: publica 2021 will broadcast live from Berlin. The programme covers a broad range of topics, from misinformation and false journalism to climate issues.
... who is cutting back on assignments in anticipation of retirement and recently passed the baton of CRS directorship on to Moa Tunström. CRS was inaugurated 1 April 2015, with you as director. What sort of challenges did you face?
“The assignment was to set up a research centre with externally funded research, publication of scholarly articles, and research collaboration with different external partners.
Värmland is collaborating with two other European regions within the framework of the EU project DigiTeRRI to support digital development. Two out of three workshops have been held and an action plan is starting to take shape.
The project form as an organisational tool is a distinctive feature of modern political development work. David Scott is a lecturer in Political Science at Karlstad University whose recently completed doctoral thesis examined the use of the project as an organisational form in development aid and its ramifications for political work.
"My findings show that the project form has a depoliticising effect.
The Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation (CRS) will have a new director as of 1 April. Moa Tunström, senior lecturer in Human Geography, will take over when Margareta Dahlström steps down ahead of her upcoming retirement.
Moa Tunström defended her doctoral thesis at Örebro University in 2009, “In search of the good city. Constructions of ideals and problems in Swedish urban planning discussion” in the discipline of Human Geography.
That was the topic for a recent conference that concluded the project called “Place-based digital experiences (PDU)”. Three places – the Glaskogen nature reserve, the Kristinehamn archipelago, and the town of Sunne, with a focus on culture and narrative – were studied in depth by Karlstad University researchers.
The tourism industry can be challenging. Most tourist destination companies are small with limited resources.