Research profile
Two research lines stand out in Karlstad mathematics: Applied Analysis and Mathematics Education.

Applied Analysis
Prof. Adrian Muntean
Prof. Eddie Wadbro
Prof. Sorina Barza
Docent Niclas Bernhoff
Docent Igor Gachkov
Dr. Martin Lind
Dr. Eva Mossberg
Dr. Grigor Nika
Dr. Nikos Kavallaris
Dr. Mirela Vinerean Bernhoff
Dr. Yosief Wondmagegne
Post Doc Rainey Lyons
Post Doc Michael Eden
Doctoral student Bizuneh Minda Demissie
Doctoral student Markos Fisseha
Doctoral student Nicklas Jävergård
Doctoral student Surendra Nepal
Doctoral student Vishnu Raveendran
Senior professor Lars Erik Persson
In Mathematics, research is conducted within mathematics including applied mathematics and mathematics education, and is driven by problem settings inspired by real world applications with focus on applied analysis (partial differential equations, multiscale modeling and simulation, functional analysis, kinetic theory and applications, and error correcting codes).
Mathematics Education
Associated professor Jorryt van Bommel
Associated professor Yvonne Liljekvist
Assistant professor Mats Brunström
Assistant professor Maria Fahlgren
Assistant professor Mirela Vinerean Bernhoff
Doctoral student Per Blomberg
Doctoral student Marcus Gustafsson
Doctoral student Jimmy Karlsson
Licentiate student Andreas Borg
Licentiate student David Taub
Affiliated Dr. Elisabet Mellroth
The mathematics education research conducted within the department focuses mainly on technology in mathematics teaching and learning, teachers’ professional development, and early years mathematics. More specifically, several projects are conducted in collaboration with teachers at various school levels concerning the design of mathematical tasks and task environments as well as students’ mathematical reasoning. Research is largely organised within interdisciplinary groups at the university, and in well- established partnerships with research groups at other universities.