Neither academics nor managers need convincing regarding the urgent need to pursue environmental sustainability. Worldwide, nations are committed to advancing the circular economy through resource reduction, reuse, and recycling. Despite these efforts, the recent Circularity Gap Report (2023) reveals a stark reality—the global economy is only 7.2% circular, and this situation worsens year by year.
– How children get to and from school matters and affects well-being and performance in school. The best option is to let children walk, cycle, or take the bus to school, says Jessica Westman Trischler at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University, who has studied schoolchildren's commuting habits.
It is that time of the year when we indulge a lot more in food. Not only are we buying and eating more, we are also wasting more.
– During major food holidays, we tend to buy a little extra and things we don't normally use, increasing the risk of waste, says Helén Williams at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University. Planning is key to minimise food waste, and save money.
Households account for the largest share of food waste in Sweden.
The Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching and maybe some time off. Soon we can put another eventful and challenging year behind us and look forward to new ideas, exciting research and education.
When I look back and summarize the past year, there are several important achievements and notable results. First, and most important, are the efforts everyone has made in these challenging times.
Kauresearch is the name of the university’s Instagram account where we share research information, news and glimpses of everyday life as a researcher - often with a fun twist. During the Nobel Week, 4-10 December, the university will draw on the special attention paid to science through a themed week, Kau Science Week.
The themed week will mainly appear on Kauresearch, but also on other platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
The purpose of Health Data Sweden (HDS) is to increase the use of health data within small and medium-sized companies and public organizations.
- HDS must offer services such as available data, legal issues and skills development, says Karin Brodén.
- Increasing the use of health data has been identified as a way to increase efficiency in the health sector and to increase health benefits for individuals, says Karin Brodén, postdoctor in information systems at the Service
Research findings from Karlstad University were presented at a conference in Oslo.
- As always when it comes to changing cultures, it is important to be persistent and not give up, says Markus Fellesson from the Center for Service Research (CTF).
Markus Fellesson and Anna Fyrberg-Yngfalk, researchers at the Service Research Center (CTF) and Karlstad Business School, you recently participated in the conference “Prevent and Intervene – Ending Sexual Harassment at Work” in
Christmas is just around the corner, there are lots of presents to buy and endless opportunities to get swept up in a shopping spree. This can make it hard to resist the avalanche of advertisements, such as the campaigns leading up to Black Friday.
Samhällsnytta turns service research into practical activity. The idea is to help the government and Swedish authorities tackle major societal challenges.
Samhällsnytta AB was founded in 2021 and has developed into a national meeting place for actors at various levels in community building.
- What was once just an idea has become a reality, says Johan Quist, CEO of Samhällsnytta, researcher and deputy director of the Center for Service Research (CTF).
Understanding what products mean to users or potential customers has always been of key importance for innovation practitioners and designers. In fact, products often related to our identity as users, contributing to providing meaning to our daily lives.
Researchers at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University have been assigned to identify the initiatives and measures that have led to less food being thrown away in restaurants and school kitchens, retail, and households.
Service Research Center (CTF) welcomes Elina Jaakkola, professor of marketing at Turku School of Economics. She is one of five visiting professors at CTF with support from the Ander Foundation.
Elina Jaakkola is a professor of marketing at Turku School of Economics, University of Turku in Finland.
Approximately 15 percent of the world’s population has some form of disability that makes everyday life more difficult.
– In order for this group to be given the same opportunities to live fulfilling lives, we need to learn more about how the psychological and physical difficulties are connected with the experience of using public transport, says Margareta Friman from the Service Research Center (CTF).
Disability is a complicated and multidimensional term that involves t
The courses are part of ISE Graduate Professional Development Programme and the idea behind the courses is to help companies and employees gain more knowledge about how to develop more sustainable services that create value for customers. The initiative is led by the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University.
High employee proactivity can, for example, compensate for delays in customer service situations and thereby mitigate the negative effects of waiting.
Employee proactivity has been discussed as a key factor in company success and organisational performance.
Elena Palani, welcome to Karlstad Business school and CTF!
- Thanks. I am a PhD student in business administration and researching food waste at the Business School and The Service Research Centre (CTF) and took my master's degree at the Business school and was very satisfied with my education. I felt that the teachers have a good grasp of the situation, especially when it comes to the market.
Food waste is not decreasing fast enough to meet the UN's sustainable development goal of halving food waste by 2030.
- We need to act faster with more activities, says Helén Williams, researcher at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University.
29 September marks the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste to put focus on efforts to reduce global food waste.
– Reports show that progress is too slow, which was also recently discussed during the