Caroline Bhowmik
I have a Ph.D. degree in Educational Psychology and a teaching degree (subjects: Geography and Pedagogy) from the German Universities in Münster and Landau. During my Ph.D. research, I have been investigating teacher judgment accuracy in the classroom and factors that can foster (or hinder) accurate teacher judgments. This research was built on previous evidence regarding the relevant role of accurate teacher judgments for adapting learning arrangements to students' individual needs and learning prerequisites. To pursue this aim, I integrated and applied theoretical and methodological approaches from Social and Personality Psychology research.
At Karlstads University, I am extending this line of research to identify necessary adaptations in the curricula and teacher education that are needed to address students’ individual needs, pre-concepts and (emotional) reactions in the context of the current societal and environmental challenges (e.g., climate change). I therefore suggest that a wide range of psychological aspects that are connected to the ongoing Anthropocene and an overall insecure future need to be considered in such adaptation processes within and across individual disciplines. I am particularly interested in the role that the school subject Geography can (and needs to) play in this context.
Core research areas in brief:
- Cognitive and psychological components of teaching and learning, particularly in the context of current and future societal and environmental challenges
- Education and Bildung in light of the Anthropocene
- Geography didactics and the potential of Geography as a subject in addressing the most central challenges of the Anthropocene (e.g., climate change)
Utvalda publikationer
Bhowmik, C.V., Nestler, S., Schrader, F.-W., & Back, M.D. (2023). Appearing smart, confident and motivated? A lens model approach to teacher judgment accuracy (under review in Social Psychology of Education).
Bhowmik, C.V., Nestler, S., Schrader, F.-W., Praetorius, A.-K., Biesanz, J., & Back, M.D. (2021). Teacher judgment accuracy at zero-acquaintance: A social accuracy analysis. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, 101965.
Bhowmik, C.V., Schrader, F.-W., Back, M. D., & Nestler, S. (2021). An application of the lens model to the educational context. In: Adaryukov, J., Collsiöö, A., Hamm, R. M., Kaufmann, E., Molinaro, K.A., & Salmen, K. (Eds.) The Brunswik Society Newsletter, 36. 24-27.
Santos P.B., Bhowmik C.V., Gurevych I. (2020) Avoiding Bias in Students’ Intrinsic Motivation Detection. In: Kumar V., Troussas C. (Eds.) Intelligent Tutoring Systems. ITS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12149, (pp. 89-94). Springer, Cham.