Working life science
.. in society, in business and organizations and at individual level
Working Life Science is the study of work at the levels of the individual, organisation, and society, centring on areas such as the organisation of work and its consequences, the development of the labour market and the meaning of work in our lives.
Working Life Science offers education at all university levels including the doctoral level and contract courses. We carry out research projects and cooperate with external partners and our students have continual contact with professional practice through mentorship companies.
In conjunction with work science at Gothenburg University, we publish the journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv [Labour Market & Working Life]. Most of the editors are at Karlstad University. More information on the journal, submission of articles, and published articles is available at the Swedish website
Working Life Science is part of Karlstad Business School.
Working Life Science in media and in academic publications
- 2024-10-06. Distansarbetet fasas ut – högre krav på kontorsnärvaro
- 2024-10-06, Fler tvingas till kontoret: ”Svårt att följa upp”
- 2024-08-20, Tre värmlänningar bland Sveriges populäraste föreläsare: ”Ett fint kvitto”
- 2024-05-14, Kortare arbetsvecka en vinst? – Ny studie undersöker arbetstidsförkortning
- 2024-05-14, Nytt experiment: Svenska arbetsplatser inför fyradagarsvecka
- 2024-05-14, Företag ska testa fyradagarsveckan – leds av Karlstadsforskare: ”Måste prova”
- 2024-04-11, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 1/2024
- 2023-12-13, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 3-4/2023
- 2023-11-01, Chronicle: "Kontoren som kan ändra vårt sätt att leva" Lena Lid Falkman, Kristina Palm och Calle Rosengren, Forte Magasin, November 2023
- 2023-09-19, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 2/2023
- 2023-06-26, This year's publication 2022 (FALF) - Josef Ringqvist
- 2023-04-25, The impact of digitization on working life, interview with Kristina Palm
- 2023-03-22, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 1/2023
- 2023-02-03, What happens when the home also becomes our workplace, Kristina Palm, Science week (39 min into the film)
- 2023-01-08, Researchers want to know how employees are affected by robot colleagues, SVT Nyheter, Kristina Palm and Poja Shams
- 2022-12-29, Article by David Regin Öborn "Risks, possibilities, and social relations in the computerisation of Swedish university administration"
- 2022-12-21, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 3-4/2022
- 2022-06-07, New book "Framtidens Arbetsliv" editors Kristina Palm & Lars Ivarsson, participating; Poja Shams, Annica Asp, Carin Håkansta, Robert MacKenzie, Lena Lid Falkman och Jonas Axelsson
- 2022-05-30, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 2/2022
- 2022-03-23, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 1/2022
- 2022-03-17, Kristina Palm and Calle Rosengren receives HR research award 2021/2022
- 2022-03-01, New book "International Human Resource Management" by Miguel Martinez Lucio och Robert MacKenzie, author in chapter 18, Josef Ringqvist, David Öborn Regin, Lena Lid-Falkman and Lars Ivarsson
- 2022-02-01, Article by Josef Ringqvist "Union membership and the willingness to prioritize environmental protection above growth and jobs: A multi-level analysis covering 22 European countries"
- 2021-12-13, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 4/2021
- 2021-10-06, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 3/2021
- 2021-09-14, Private ICT-Activities and Emotions at Work – A Swedish Diary Study, article in Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
- 2021-06-24, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 2/2021
- 2021-03-24, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 1/2021
- 2021-01-14, New textbook ”Lojalitetskonflikter” by Markus Arvidson and Jonas Axelsson
- 2020-12-10, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 4/2020
- 2020-12-07, Carin Håkansta in the podcast Futurion
- 2020-11-26, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 3/2020
- 2020-09-07, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 2/2020
- 2020-08-20, New textbook ”Vad är arbetsvetenskap? – en introduktion”, a collaboration with authors Karlstads universitet, Göteborgs universitet and Högskolan i Borås
- 2020-07-30, Ann Bergman, professor of Human Work Science, has passed away hastily
- 2020-05-12, Göteborgs-Posten: Homework invades private life
- 2020-04-24, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 1/2020
- 2020-04-22, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen: Difficult to set boundaries when working at home
- 2020-04-22, Expressen TV: This is how our everyday life can be changed by the corona crisis
- 2020-03-06, Where is the line between work and leisure? Watch the movie by Ann Bergman and Kristina Palm
- 2020-01-27, Suntarbetsliv: Digital technology and emotions at work
- 2020-01-07, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv träffar överenskommelsen med databas EBSCO
- 2019-12-16, Journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv: issue 3-4/2019
- 2019-12-11, Sveriges Radio P4 Värmland: New technology places demands on the work environment
- 2019-12-11, Chapter in book - "There is no future for us oldies: Sensing dignity and alienation in the cabin" Ann Bergman & Jan Ch Karlsson
- 2019-12-10, Article - The collective of workers today - new study and theoretical development, Jonas Axelsson, Jan Ch Karlsson & Egil J. Skorstad
- 2019-12-10, Book - "Collective Mobilization in Changing Conditions. The Worker Collectivity in a Turbulent Age", Jonas Axelsson, Jan Ch Karlsson & Egil J. Skorstad
- 2019-12-09, A new project studies the importance of digitization for the work environment, organizational context and relationships with colleagues
- 2019-11-27, The students on the Personel and working life program won the Essay Prize 2019 by Sweden's HR-förening region väst
- 2019-11-06, Book Collective Mobilization in Changing Conditions - Worker Collectivity in a Turbulent Age by Jonas Axelsson, Jan Ch. Karlsson och Egil J. Skorstad published
- 2018-10-30, Research project of Working Life Science at Karlstad Business School awarded 5 million by Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare
- 2018-10-17, Sveriges Radio: Interview with Robert MacKenzie (The section begins at about 16:25 minutes)
- 2018-10-03, Praised for book on working life
- 2018-04-06, Work, Employment and Society, Older Workers and Occupational Identity in the Telecommunications Industry: Navigating Employment Transitions through the Life Course