Knowledge and Quality across School Subjects and Teacher Education, KOSS

The network Knowledge and Quality across School Subjects and Teacher Education, KOSS, bring together three cross-disciplinary educational research groups, rooted in several academic disciplines from Sweden, Finland and England. The research groups ROSE (Research on Subject-specific Education), SSRG (Subject Specialism Research Group) and HuSoEd, Research Community for Humanities and Social Sciences), will seek to understand how educators and education systems can ensure that school-based knowledge building reaches its transformative potential. In our work we draw upon the concepts ‘powerful knowledge’ and ‘epistemic quality’ to help us understand the qualities that knowledge building has when it is effective and empowering and to help us understand how educational processes can build and develop these properties. Our research focus on the ways in which knowledge itself is transformed as it is re-contextualized at individual, institutional and societal levels. Our long-term goal is to contribute to meeting the needs of future citizens by producing new knowledge about educational processes; this will have the potential to improve education by supporting the development of powerful subject disciplinary knowledge in schools.
ROSE, Research on Subject –specific Education, Karlstad University, Sweden
Lead by Professor Christina Olin-Scheller
SSRG, Subject Specialism Research Group, UCL Institute of Education, London
Lead by Professor Arthur Chapman
HuSoEd, Research Community for Humanities and Social Sciences Education, Helsinki University
Lead by Professor Sirpa Tani
KOSS is lead and administered by Karlstad University and is financed 2019-2021 with funding from the Swedish Research Council
KOSS activities
Conference University of Trier 14-16 May 2024, Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Subject Didactics. The conference is organized by the KOSS-network. For program, See documents, the column down on the right.
The 10th Network meeting, Karlstad 16th-19th October 2023
Open keynote Prof. Gerard Sensevy,"Cooperative Engineering in JATD. Epistemological, theoretical, and empirical questions", 17th October 2023, 13.00-14, Sjöströmsalen, KAU.