Researchers and PhD students
All researchers and PhD students in physics are listed below, with their research areas and links to their research profile and publications.

Jan Andersson, physics didactics
Moyses Araujo, material physics
Marcus Berg, theoretical physics
Mateus Bergami, material physics
Leticia Christopholi, material physics
Leif Ericsson, material physics
Jürgen Fuchs, theoretical physics
Juliane Graf, theoretical physics
Jesper Haglund, physics didactics
André Johansson, material physics
Lars Johansson, material physics
Shahna Mysin Kadakkotteeri, material physics
Cleber Marchiori, material physics
Athulya Mayadevi, material physics
Sergej Moroz, theoretical physics
Andrea Muntean, material physics
Asirin Pandiyalakkal Musthafa, material physics
Saurab Pareek, material physics
Suraj Prasad, material physics
Markus Rinio, material physics
Majid Salari, material physics
Lorena Solvang, physics didactics
Christian Spånslätt Rugarn, theoretical physics
Krister Svensson, material physics
Claes Uggla, theoretical physics
Hanmin Zhang, material physics
Previous researchers and PhD students
Vanja Blazinic, material physics
Dargie Deribew, material physics
Christian Emanuelsson, material physics
Mattias Flygare, material physics
Leandro Franco, material physics
Rickard Hansson, material physics
Zafer Hawash, material physics
Thijs Jan Holleboom, material physics
Anders Holmberg, material physics
Kjell Magnusson, material physics
Paulo Marchezi, material physics
Aleo Paolo Jacinto Pacho, material physics
Shivam Singh, material physics
Markus Soldemo, material physics
Samuel Starfelt, material physics