Student works
Most student works are written in Swedish. A few English examples are available under "Documents" on this page.
Students who are looking for lab, prototyping, and testing help to conduct their course assignments, projects, thesis works should look in the "The Usability Lab and Systems" in the menu.
During the winter of 2023/2024, a collaboration was initiated with operations developers at Karlstad municipality's Contact Centre. From spring '24 and on, students areable to do assignments within courses regarding usability and accessibility analysis of the municipality's website. This collaboration also includes the municipality's e-services. (Contact point at the municipality: Maria Wahl).
For several years in a row we had German internships from DHBW in the lab the first half of the spring. During their stay they made a lot of polishing of Ozlab related matter besides all other work; see Antonia's and Jakob's report from 2019 and Linus's and Mats's resport from 2022 among the uploaded files.
During autumn/winter 2018/2019 we started to extend distance usability testing to our undergrad students. Erika Norén Persson, who lives far away from Karlstad but got enrolled in a Bachelor Thesis course here at KAU, was engaged in the CriseIT project to co-design a training module for using a bidirectional Norwegian-Swedish word list for trainees in cross-border crisis management training exercises. She practice (also on distance but with simultaneous screen sharing) with us in Karlstad, and were then able to make simpler changes to the Ozlab prototype and to conduct the evaluation of the module design with by running 11 test sessions with people in Värmland, the province of Karlstad.
In Nov-Dec 2015 Erik Framner worked part time as an intern in the lab, testing implementations of various touch functions together with lab assistant Malin Wik. He also sketched proposals for new panel layout in Ozlab's Shell Builder and Test Runner; see the news section, 2015-11-06.
During May 2011 we had two Indian internships: Abhishek Gupta and Bharadwaj Radhakrishna. Their reports you can find linked to the right.
In 2011 a development work was initiated to free the Ozlab system from the .dir files-dependency. The work has included students in the initial work pursued spring 2011. Later on, the web implementation was outsourced to Motillo AB, a small Karlstad-based company. We included more students in the development work: two Swedish students worked on refining the web-based solution in early spring 2014, and we are happy to include more students (all code and comments are in English).