Evening courses Titel Alternative exercise for dance Astrobiology - the cosmic prerequisites for life Classic British children's literature Classic Yoga: Body, Self and Liberation Drawing and Visualization Techniques I Hip Hop 1 Hip Hop 2 Housedance 1 Housedance 2 Jazzdance 1 Jazzdance 2 Leadership and Development in Public Health Care Leadership, Organization and Gender Lived Philosophy, Therapy and Spirituality: Perspectives in philosophy of religion on classical and contemporary philosophy Modern yoga: religion, body and health Musical jazz 1 Narrative in video games: A historical overview Public Health Administration Religion and education in plural societies Rhetoric I Rhetoric II Science Fiction: A Historical Survey Spanish: Beginner Course 2 Techniques of Drawing and Visualization II The 21st Century Family: Gender, parenting and institutions The Philosophy of Photography II: The narrative technique of the photograph The Universe - a journey through cosmos Web Design II Evening courses