Electrical power systems technology
7.5 ECTS credits- One-phase and three-phase systems: j-omega method, complex effects, Y- and D-connected three-phase systems, analysis of balanced and unbalanced three-phase systems
- Tranformers: Ideal, one-phase, and three-phase transformers, autotransformers, and per-unit system
- Parameters and models of electric power grids: resistance, conductance, inductance, capacitance; short, medium, and long power lines
- Power flows in electrical power systems: problems related to power flow and techniques for solving them, including software solutions
- Electrical power distribution and smart micro grids: primary and secondary distribution, transformers and capacitors in distribution grids, smart electricity grids
- Tranformers: Ideal, one-phase, and three-phase transformers, autotransformers, and per-unit system
- Parameters and models of electric power grids: resistance, conductance, inductance, capacitance; short, medium, and long power lines
- Power flows in electrical power systems: problems related to power flow and techniques for solving them, including software solutions
- Electrical power distribution and smart micro grids: primary and secondary distribution, transformers and capacitors in distribution grids, smart electricity grids
Progressive specialisation:
A1N (has only first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Registered for 30 ECTS credits of programme courses in Mathematics at the Master level (Engineering), with 15 ECTS credits completed, and 7.5 ECTS credits in Engineering Physics, Industrial Engineering and Management, or Energy and Environmental Engineering, plus upper secondary level Swedish 3 or Swedish as a second language 3 and English 6, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Master of Science in Energy and Environmental Engineering (studied during year 4)
- Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management (studied during year 4)
- Master of Science in Engineering Physics (studied during year 5)
- Master of Science in Engineering, Degree Programme in Environmental and Energy Engineering (studied during year 1)
- Master's Programme in Physics - Theoretical physics (studied during year 2)