
  • 2024-06-20

    Concrete examples of behavioral changes during Service Innovation Day 2024

    - The research on behavioral changes and innovation within the Service Research Center (CTF) has a clear relevance in our society, says Per Kristensson, director of CTF at Karlstad University.

    This year's Service Innovation Day attracted just under 200 visitors to Karlstad. Lectures with a focus on behavioral science, digitization and innovation were on the agenda - knowledge that can be used to create better products and services and a more sustainable social development. Per Kristensson is satisfied with this year's edition.

  • 2024-06-19

    Summer greeting 2024

    I have just returned from Madrid, where I attended a large international gathering with a focus on customer-driven innovation. The event was organised by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and researchers from all over the world attended. Several interesting conclusions were drawn, including that research shows that organisations conduct their innovation work based on an internal organisational logic, while at the same time claiming that the ability to understand the customer’s value creation is an important success factor.

  • 2024-05-31

    Continued funding for collaboration project with a focus on digital health innovations in Värmland

    In the interdisciplinary research project DHINO, Digital Health Innovation, Karlstad University and Region Värmland are working together to develop new knowledge that will promote increased digitalisation of the healthcare services in Värmland. The project is now entering the second phase where focus will be on economic, social and environmental sustainability for innovation processes.

    – Through demand-driven research conducted in collaboration with both public and private actors, the project aims to increase the innovation capacity of the public sector and enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop and test new digital health services that meet the needs of the public sector, says project leader Erik Wästlund, professor of psychology at the Service Research Center (CTF), Karlstad University. 

  • 2024-05-30

    Blog: Double impact research – modelling and measuring the magnitude of university-industry collaborations leading simultaneously to academic and socio-economics impacts

    The idea that scientific discovery and technical invention can work in synergy is evoked by a number of major organisations and some great scientific ventures. For instance, the discovery of the transistor by Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain at Bell Labs (Nobel Prize, 1956) suggests that discovery and invention can occur simultaneously. However, two models continue to dominate the discourse on the relationship between science and socio-economic impact:

  • 2024-05-30

    Introducing Pascal Le Masson, visiting professor at CTF

    With support from the Ander Foundation, the Service Research Center (CTF) is happy to welcome Pascal Le Masson as a visiting professor. Pascal Le Masson is a professor at the Mines de Paris Research University, and has a distinguished background in design-oriented management and innovation.

    Pascal Le Masson is an engineer and a professor at MINES ParisTech – PSL Research University. His research focuses on design theory and methods for innovation.

  • 2024-05-29

    Walks and exercise increase quality of life for older people

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many older people isolated themselves at home, and research shows that isolation and enforced social distancing can increase feelings of depression and loneliness, while physical exercise can enhance the quality of life and bring several health benefits. In the research project “Livskvalitet och fysisk aktivitet för äldre” (Quality of life and physical activity for older people), doctoral student Anna Nilstomt has studied how to engage older people in physical activities.

    Since COVID-19, the ways of social interaction have changed. More activities are offered on site and/or online. Physical activity is one example of this. Although many people are aware of the benefits of exercise, many of us have a sedentary lifestyle, especially older people. Many older people also tend to drop out of fitness programmes or refrain from doing regular exercise.

    – A greater understanding of what motivates older people to exercise or what causes them to stop exercising can improve the development of fitness programmes for older people, says Anna Nilstomt.