Every year, our researchers contribute to the academic literature by producing a large number of publications of various types — including articles for academic journals, research reports, books, and dissertations.

Examples of our recent publications
Click the links in the right column for more publications.
- Löfberg, N., Åkesson, M., & Skålén, P. (2025) Realization and unrealization of servitization through everyday micro-level activities: The interplay between servitization practices, practitioners, and praxis. Industrial Marketing Management, 124, 195-211.
- Sukhov, A., Sihvonen, A., Huck, J., Olsson, L. E., & Netz, J. (2025). How to Manage Generative Idea Screening. Research-Technology Management, 68(1), 35-45.
- Abadzhiev, A. (2024) Företagsekonomi, Managing business model innovation for sustainability transitions: Towards a theory-based typology, Karlstad University Studies, 2024:38.
- Gemser, G., Calabretta, G., & Karpen, I.O. (2024). Co-creating the future through design thinkin; Deconstructing the consumer co-creation process. The Journal of product innovation management.
- Skålén, P & Trischler J. (2024). Public Services as Practices: Towards a Framework for Understanding Co-Creation and Co-Destruction of Private and Public Value’, Public Management Review,
- Hassel, J. E. (2024). Third actor introductions to interaction episodes aiming at fast-forwarding new firm relationship development. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 39(13), 200-215.
- Öberg, C., Larson, M., Scander, H. (2024). In the interest of the nation: Swedish fika, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 37, 101003
- Saxegård, S.A., Wikström, F. & Williams, H. Applying material flow assessment-based system expansion with multiple functions to solve for multifunctionality of recycling in life cycle assessment. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2024).
- Kitkowska, A., Brodén, K., & Abdullah, L. (2024). The Requirements, Benefits, and Barriers of IoT Solutions to Support Well-Being in Elementary Schools. IEEE Access
- Tronvoll, B. & Edvardsson, B. (2024) Critical examination of academic marketing and service researchs’s philosophical foundation. Journal of Service Marketing, 38(1) 56-70.