Publikationer - Publications

Randahl, A. C., Liljekvist, Y., Olin-Scheller, C., & van Bommel, J. (2022). From authorised visitor to key person–a trajectory of participation in teacher Facebook groups. Education Inquiry, 1-16.
Liljekvist, Y. E., Randahl, A. C., van Bommel, J., & Olin-Scheller, C. (2021). Facebook for professional development: Pedagogical content knowledge in the centre of teachers’ online communities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65(5), 723-735.
Liljekvist, Y., Randahl, A-C, van Bommel, J, Sturk, E., & Olin-Scheller, C. (2021). Sharing is caring: Extending the Professional Learning Community using social media. In M. Griffin & C. Zinskie, Social Media: Influences on Education. Current Perspectives on Cognition, Learning and Instruction (pp. 103-133). IAP.
Liljekvist, Y., Randahl, A-C., van Bommel, J. & Olin-Scheller , C. (2020) Facebook for Professional Development: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Centre of Teachers’ Online Communities, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, doi: 10.1080/00313831.2020.1754900
van Bommel, J., Liljekvist, Y., Olin-Scheller, C., & Randahl, A. C. (2020). Facebook: min kollega, min oppslagstavle og min etterutdanning.
Sturk, E., Randahl, A. & Olin-Scheller. C. (2020). Back to basics? Discourses of writing in Facebook groups for teachers. Nordic Journal of Literacy. doi: 10.23865/njlr.v6.2005
van Bommel, J., Randahl, A-C., Liljekvist, Y., & Ruthven, K. (2020). Tracing teachers’ transformation of knowledge in social media. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 87
CERME 2019 (TW19) Multi-theoretical approach when researching mathematics teachers’ professional development in self-organized online groups.
Randahl, A-C-(2018) Sharing is Caring. Svensklärarföreningen 18(2) 6-8
Randahl, Olin-Scheller, C. (2018) ”All min fortbildning sker där”. Ämnesinnehåll i Facebookgrupper för svensklärare. SMDI, Linköping 22-23 november 2018
Mathematics teachers’ re-sourcing and use of social media: can the ‘prosumer’ concept convey what’s going on? (CERME10) Poster-version
Svensklärare på sociala medier. Metodiska och etiska utmaningar för forskningen (SMDI, page 14)
Teachers' informal professional development on social media and social network sites: when and what do they discuss? (ERME 2016)
Facebook and mathematics teachers' professional development: Informing our community. (CERME9)