News archive

An online activist with nationalist, extreme right-wing views is currently enrolled in the course Intercultural studies: race and whiteness in Sweden. The person is very active on social media, where he posts derogatory comments about the course, the students in the course and the course director. The university and its management strongly disagree with his actions on social media.
We are happy to welcome Filip Högberg to CTF. He is a new PhD student in Industrial engineering management and his research will focus on innovation management and AI. What do you hope to accomplish with your research? – I hope to be able to contribute to the intensive knowledge development that is taking place regarding innovation management and AI.
We are happy to welcome Filip Högberg to CTF. He is a new PhD student in Industrial engineering management and his research will focus on innovation management and AI. What do you hope to accomplish with your research? – I hope to be able to contribute to the intensive knowledge development that is taking place regarding innovation management and AI.
The Mediatization of Space through navigational interfaces, or: the digital map as a symptom of (almost) everything that has happened with media. After a phase of “spatial forgetfulness,” media and communication studies have revisited the intersection of media, space, and place, challenging earlier views of media inherently transcending geographical constrains leading to spatial annihilation and the disappearance of distance.
The Mediatization of Space through navigational interfaces, or: the digital map as a symptom of (almost) everything that has happened with media. After a phase of “spatial forgetfulness,” media and communication studies have revisited the intersection of media, space, and place, challenging earlier views of media inherently transcending geographical constrains leading to spatial annihilation and the disappearance of distance.
I would like to start by saying thank you for the warm welcome I have received during my first weeks at Karlstad University. I have already met several of you and I look forward to more meetings in the day-to-day operations. I enjoy meetings, both planned and spontaneous. It might come as a surprise that someone from management would utter such a thing, given the number of meetings I have attended over the years and the likelihood of a very busy schedule ahead.
Reuse and other circular solutions are becoming increasingly common in the retail business to enable more sustainable consumption. To promote this transition requires more knowledge on how companies can create better conditions and customer experiences in relation to circular retail.
Reuse and other circular solutions are becoming increasingly common in the retail business to enable more sustainable consumption. To promote this transition requires more knowledge on how companies can create better conditions and customer experiences in relation to circular retail.
Reuse and other circular solutions are becoming increasingly common in the retail business to enable more sustainable consumption. To promote this transition requires more knowledge on how companies can create better conditions and customer experiences in relation to circular retail.
Great interest in increased autonomy and room for action for managers and employees. As part of the research programme “Arbetsplatsens struktur och arbetsrelaterad ohälsa: kvinnodominans, organisatoriska faktorer, åtgärder och politiska beslut i kommunal förvaltning” (Workplace structure and work-related illness: female dominance, organisational factors, measures and political decisions in local government administrations), researchers at Karlstad Business School look at
Great interest in increased autonomy and room for action for managers and employees. As part of the research programme “Arbetsplatsens struktur och arbetsrelaterad ohälsa: kvinnodominans, organisatoriska faktorer, åtgärder och politiska beslut i kommunal förvaltning” (Workplace structure and work-related illness: female dominance, organisational factors, measures and political decisions in local government administrations), researchers at Karlstad Business School look at
- We need more knowledge of how to encourage people to more easily change their behaviour to reduce energy consumption, says Per Kristensson, professor of psychology at the Service Research Center (CTF). A safe, reliable and sustainable future requires a transition to fossil-free energy systems.
- We need more knowledge of how to encourage people to more easily change their behaviour to reduce energy consumption, says Per Kristensson, professor of psychology at the Service Research Center (CTF). A safe, reliable and sustainable future requires a transition to fossil-free energy systems.
Björn Smith, tell us about your background - I spent the most recent years completing a degree in primary education, school years 4–6. I have also been lecturing at Karlstad University - mainly administrative law and local government law as well as jurisprudence and EU law to some extent. I really enjoyed working as a teacher and learned a lot.
Björn Smith, tell us about your background - I spent the most recent years completing a degree in primary education, school years 4–6. I have also been lecturing at Karlstad University - mainly administrative law and local government law as well as jurisprudence and EU law to some extent. I really enjoyed working as a teacher and learned a lot.
On September 1–3, Retake with researchers from Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University attended Gothenburg Culture Festival to test a rotation-based system for recyclable cups. CTF is one of the actors in the research project Retake, which aims to demonstrate how a rotation system with reusable mugs and plates can contribute to increased sustainability, reduced littering and lower costs for cleaning and waste management. – We have tested the system during the
On September 1–3, Retake with researchers from Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University attended Gothenburg Culture Festival to test a rotation-based system for recyclable cups. CTF is one of the actors in the research project Retake, which aims to demonstrate how a rotation system with reusable mugs and plates can contribute to increased sustainability, reduced littering and lower costs for cleaning and waste management. – We have tested the system during the
More climate neutral e-commerce in rural areas is the focus of a new research project at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University starting this autumn. Packaging systems, returns management and delivery locations are some of the issues addressed. E-commerce is a complex societal challenge. Turning e-commerce into a sustainable system requires a comprehensive system change where innovation and knowledge development are crucial.
More climate neutral e-commerce in rural areas is the focus of a new research project at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University starting this autumn. Packaging systems, returns management and delivery locations are some of the issues addressed. E-commerce is a complex societal challenge. Turning e-commerce into a sustainable system requires a comprehensive system change where innovation and knowledge development are crucial.
On 1 February this year, Adrian Sangfelt moved from Uppsala to Karlstad to begin work as an associate senior lecturer in Swedish with a specialisation in didactics. – It’s a great job. I can’t really think of another job I’d rather have, he says. We meet in his office in House 12 where he is preparing for the autumn term. – During the spring, I was a supervisor for students on the Early Years Education programme.