Would you like to escape the daily routine for a few minutes and shut out the outside world? Experience an installation where music and technology blend visually and auditorily on December 13th at Musikhögskolan Ingesund and on December 14th in the lobby of the auditorium at Karlstad University.
The university board has decided on a strategic investment to recruit more doctoral students. SEK50 million will be set aside to increase the number of doctoral students during the period 2025 to 2028.
The investment is funded by the university’s agency capital and will be distributed on an annual basis, amounting to SEK12.5 million per year.
The first steps will be taken already in 2024.
Patricia Saenz Mendez came to Karlstad University in 2020, in the midst on the pandemic. A rather strange start, but as a newly appointed docent in chemistry, she feels that she is in exactly the right place.
- I completed my PhD in Uruguay and after that I ended up in Sweden. Before Karlstad University, I was a postdoc at KTH and Örebro University, as well as at University of Gothenburg for a short period, says Patricia Saenz Mendez.
Kauresearch is the name of the university’s Instagram account where we share research information, news and glimpses of everyday life as a researcher - often with a fun twist. During the Nobel Week, 4-10 December, the university will draw on the special attention paid to science through a themed week, Kau Science Week.
The themed week will mainly appear on Kauresearch, but also on other platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
Avit Bhowmik, Assistant Professor in Risk and Environmental Studies, who is going to attend COP28 in Dubai, which starts today, reflects on the SB meeting in Bonn.
The annual Conference of Parties (COP) 28 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will be hosted by Dubai is knocking at the door. Almost everyone who keeps an eye on climate change policy at the global level is by now familiar with COPs.
The industry of today and tomorrow requires modern technology where cooperation takes place between people, between people and machines, and between machines. Machines can monitor themselves, analyse results and autonomously optimise operating conditions and production. The result is greater efficiency and productivity. A new era of industrial robots that can work side by side with humans in above all different forms of small component assembly and material handling has already begun.
Andrea Schalley, Professor of English Linguistics at Karlstad University, has been granted funding from the Swedish Research Council for the 4-year research project “Swedish or English?
Research findings from Karlstad University were presented at a conference in Oslo.
- As always when it comes to changing cultures, it is important to be persistent and not give up, says Markus Fellesson from the Center for Service Research (CTF).
Markus Fellesson and Anna Fyrberg-Yngfalk, researchers at the Service Research Center (CTF) and Karlstad Business School, you recently participated in the conference “Prevent and Intervene – Ending Sexual Harassment at Work” in
Christmas is just around the corner, there are lots of presents to buy and endless opportunities to get swept up in a shopping spree. This can make it hard to resist the avalanche of advertisements, such as the campaigns leading up to Black Friday.
Samhällsnytta turns service research into practical activity. The idea is to help the government and Swedish authorities tackle major societal challenges.
Samhällsnytta AB was founded in 2021 and has developed into a national meeting place for actors at various levels in community building.
- What was once just an idea has become a reality, says Johan Quist, CEO of Samhällsnytta, researcher and deputy director of the Center for Service Research (CTF).
Our physical environment – the way it looks and functions both inside and outside – matters a lot for the university to attract students and employees.
The document Campusplan 2040 points out the long-term direction for the university’s physical environment. The plan has been created as a collaboration project between the university and Akademiska hus.
Researchers at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University have been assigned to identify the initiatives and measures that have led to less food being thrown away in restaurants and school kitchens, retail, and households.
Trans-specific healthcare coordinator is a function included in the healthcare services in Region Värmland. The purpose is to support transgender people and those close to them as they move through the healthcare chain. The function is perceived to provide good and important psychosocial support and many express a feeling of being seen and heard for the first time by the healthcare services.
Karlstad University conducts research and development of intelligent control systems for greenhouse lighting system. In the greenhouse on campus, researchers have grown tomatoes using renewable energy from solar cells. There is also a battery energy storage in place in case there is a surplus of renewable solar energy generated.
... who will start researching renewable energy and gender equality in Yemen.
Can you tell us more?
"Last year we received funding from Formas for a study that will start now in December. We are three researchers who’ll be working together – Maria-Louise Clausen from the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) in Copenhagen, Vasna Ramasar from Lund University and me from Karlstad University.
Service Research Center (CTF) welcomes Elina Jaakkola, professor of marketing at Turku School of Economics. She is one of five visiting professors at CTF with support from the Ander Foundation.
Elina Jaakkola is a professor of marketing at Turku School of Economics, University of Turku in Finland.
The theme of the 2023 Academic Celebration was passion, which was evident in both the morning event at Karlstad CCC and the afternoon ceremony in Aula Magna.
The Academic Celebration on Friday 20 October started at Karlstad CCC where five new professors presented their research in front of a full house in the hall Lerinsalen. After the short presentations, the moderator, Jan van Stam, professor of physical chemistry, held a talk on passion, this year’s theme.