The project “Foundational Algorithms, Protocols, and Systems for Multi-Tier 6G-Non-Terrestrial Networks Integrated Communication and Environmental Sensing (6G-NTN-E),” has been awarded a grant of 28 MSEK by the Swedish Research Council.
The grant extends over a four-year period and is part of the Swedish Research Council's call for grants to support research environments focused on sixth generation wireless systems (6G).
On November 20–21, the DRIVE project at Computer Science invited partner companies to a joint two-day workshop. DRIVE's overarching goal is to conduct research and education in data-driven and latency-sensitive mobile services for future mobile networks.
This year, participants gathered at Karlstad University to learn about the latest research in the field.
The 5G-DiGITs project has just started, and Karlstad University will play a key role in its development.
5G-DiGITs is a multidisciplinary Erasmus+ initiative addressing the growing demand for education and training in advanced 5G technologies.
Giuseppe Caso, Mohammad Rajiullah, and Anna Brunstrom, members of the Distributed Intelligent Systems and Communications (DISCO) group of the Computer Science Department, won the Best Paper Award at the 2024 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (IEEE CSCN’24).
The conference was held in Belgrade on November 25-27 with a large participation from academia and industry sectors.
“Our paper, A Standard-compliant Assessment of Beyond-eMBB QoS/QoE in 5
The project 6G-PATH (6G-Pilots and Trials Through Europe), in which the departments of computer science and nursing at Karlstad University participate, has been included on this year’s IVA 100 List.
Researcher Tobias Pulls from the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University, together with the Gothenburg-based company Mullvad VPN, has developed a new protection named DAITA ("Defense against AI-guided Traffic Analysis").
The protection against the rapid AI development in traffic analysis is available in Mullvad's VPN app on various platforms throughout the year, which has over a million downloads worldwide.
"AI has become incredibly good at recognizing patt
Within the Drive project in computer science, the new satellite-based internet service Starlink is currently being tested.
Starlink, developed by Elon Musk's SpaceX, offers reliable internet connectivity in areas with limited infrastructure.
One6G is a non-profit association with over 100 academic and industry members. Karlstad University can use one6Gs network for establishing strategic collaborations and partnerships with other one6G members.
– As one6G member, we can propose new or participate to existing joint research topics as part of one6G working groups.
6G-PATH (6G-pilots and Trials Through Europe) is a new Horizon Europe project where Computer Science and Nursing Science at Karlstad University are participating. The project is going to develop solutions that can be applied in health education.
6G is expected to introduce new technologies that will enable innovative applications.
The project group DRIVE, together with Ericsson AB, invited partner companies to a two-day joint workshop with the aim of showcasing and discussing how to work with mobile services.
Efficient connectivity to mobile and digital services is crucial for numerous societal entities worldwide.
The DRIVE project aims to investigate how latency-sensitive mobile services can be designed in the most optimized, secure, and energy-efficient way possible. Progress in this research area is crucial for many societal functions, such as autonomous driving, autonomous manufacturing, smart energy solutions, and remote surgery.
On Thursday 14 September, the subject of Computer Science held an open colloquium where Marco Neri from the telecommunication company Rohde & Schwarz talked about solutions and measurements related to 5G.
Marco Neri has been involved in a joint research collaboration with Karlstad University since 2018. The research activity is one of the first collaborations in Europe to measure and analyse 5G mobile network performance.
Mobile networks are constantly evolving to enable improved throughput and low latency for applications. However, it has been shown that current standard congestion control algorithms can cause long delays in mobile networks due to over-allocation of buffers. In his thesis, Habtegebreil Kassaye Haile has investigated the performance of two possible solutions to this problem.
The Internet is constantly evolving.
Edge computing is one of the drivers for future industries and a fundamental component in 5G networks, says Professor Javid Taheri. He has recently published a reference book on the subject, Edge Intelligence: From Theory to Practice.
Karlstad University receives grant of 2 million SEK from the Knowledge Foundation to develop a high in-demand Master’s programme in data-driven mechanical engineering.
- There is an increasing demand for this type of programme, says Anton Tkachuk, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and project manager in the development of the Master’s programme. The challenge is to create a degree programme that addresses areas such as data-driven approach and digitalisation tools.
The DRIVE sub-project 3 “Service optimization in federated edge platforms“ aims to design and develop artificial intelligence and machine learning based solutions to optimize the performance of augmented reality and virtual reality services on user-edge-cloud continuum platforms.
Karlstad University has research equipment in several places in its premises. Now it could also be found outdoors. Since February, a Starlink antenna has been installed on the roof of the building where the Computer Science researchers are located.
How reliable are different methods for connecting to mobile networks to support train signaling systems? This is what Professor Anna Brunström and Associate Professor Johan Garcia at Karlstad University have investigated in collaboration with DRIVE partner Icomera.
As part of the DRIVE project, real life measurements of 5G networks are now taking place in Rome, Italy, where two large mobile operators are up to proof in terms of coverage, connectivity, latency and throughput performance.
In Dec. 2020 - Jan.
In the DRIVE project, a common test environment with industry partner Varnish Software has now been installed. The tests will measure the impact of different network connections on latency and bandwidth during video streaming.
Since mid-December, latency and bandwidth testing has been ongoing in Karlstad University's 5G testbed. A server is connected to several network connections at the same time to compare their performance.