Monday 10 November we will change server for the library system.
To system will be down during Monday afternoon and evening starting 16.30.
During this time it will not be possible to borrow books in the self check out stations or to renew your loans. If you urgently need to borrow something, please turn to staff at the issue desk.
We now have IP access to Dawsonera ebooks
You will need to accept the ”Terms of conditions” when accessing the database. Please scroll down to see the accept button
Reading and downloading no longer requires a login while on campus. For more fuctionality and for off campus access it is possible to create a personal log in through the "sign in" option.
To get access off campus you must login with your student account through the proxy or with a previously created personal log in.
New ebrary reader now available. Click on title or cover image to get started.
Sometime during week 39 the ebook portal ebrary will have a new interface.
ebrary - New online Reader guide
Search ebrary
Humanities, Social Scieces and Law, 2014
The university library now provides access to the collection Humanities, Social Scinces and Law, 2014, with over 670 titles. The books are accessilbe through the library homepage or the library catalog. Böckerna är åtkomliga via bibliotekets hemsida eller katalog.
Title list
The ebooks can be read online or downloaded in Adobe*Acrobat format.
Right now the library has a trial period of ACM Digital Library. Here you can find full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
TThe trial period ends 31 Oktober.
ACM Digital Library
During autumn we have a test period of 380 journals from Inderscience Publishers
Subject areas: science, engineering and technology, environment and sustainability, health and biosciences, computing, economics, management
The test period ends 17 November.
Inderscience Publishers
Library´s trial resources
Access Norstedts dictionaries both online and offline
The library provides access to several dictionaries through the portal WordFinder. With WordFinder Online, you can access your dictionaries via a web browser.
If you create a free personal account you will be able to download programs and apps. The account must be created while you are on campus.
During June, July and August the librry is closed on weekends.
During summer the library is only open a few hours each weekday. The reading room is open longer if you have a key card. See the table below for exact hours.
The open-ended borrowing times applies as usual. Remember to check "My loans" regulary to see any changed return dates.
During april we offer trial access to Euromonitor's database Passport
"Passport“ - award-winning global database includes:
Statistics, analysis and briefings of world market,
Rankings and company profiles of leading countries and industries,
Complete database of sources of industries and countries around the world, what is important for education, business and economic development.
Access Passport
An online tutorial can be found by clicking Help" and "Help V
The Inspec database is now searchable through Ebsco and OneSearch.
Insepc is the leading bibliographic database providing abstract and indexing to the world´s scientific and technical literature
Previously we have had acess through the Engineering Village platform.
From 10 January the library closes earlier.
The new opening hours are:
Friday: 8-16
Saturday: 10-15
Sunday: 10-15
The newspaper reading room is available with a key card.
See all opening hours
The library's journal list and link menu will change from new year
sfx@kau changes to
The icon for our link menu will change because we have a new vendor for the service.
The library's journal list and link menu will change from new year
sfx@kau changes to
The icon for our link menu will change because we have a new vendor for the service.
Due to server maintenance, no links to the library's e-resources will work on Monday, October 21 from 08:00 in the morning. Hopefully it works again after lunch.
This appliesboth to databases and articles as well as ebooks.
We will post a list of links that work if you are on campus, to the most frequently used resources.
About 1100 titles from Ebsco eBooks now available
Ebsco ebooks are included in OneSearch.About 1100 titles are available. We do not own this books, but they are automatically loaned/bought as soon as someone uses them. Most titles are in the subject areas "Education", "Social Science", "Geography".
The titles have one link for reading online " eBook full text", and one for downloading.
The books have a limit of 3 concurrent users.
Downloading ebooks from Dawsonera to mobile phones or tablets is now available. The books are in pdf-format and requires the Adobe Reader app. When opening a downloaded ebook internet access is required due to authentication.
User Guide Android
User Guide Apple
As of August 2013, some changes will be made to Harvard Business Review article access in Business Source Premier.
Currently Business Source Premier contains 12,824 full-text articles from Harvard Business Review. 500 of these articles will become read-only as of August. Printing or downloading will no longer be permitted.
Please contact:
Berit Hjort
054-700 1080
Our Discovery service OneSearch"provides users with an easy way to accessing most of an institution's information resources through a single search. Among the latest additions to searchable databases are Scopus and SwePub.
Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database with broad interdisciplinary coverage.