Check your loans online to see holds and due dates
Currently there are problems to send emails from Karlstad university to users with or addresses.
Ulrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types.
Ulrich's records provide data points such as ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting & indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, tables of contents, and reviews written by librarians. You can also find out if the periodical is refereed or not.
Ulrichsweb covers more than 900 subject areas
Search Ulrich´s now!
The Encyclopedia Britannica app for iPhone or iPad is free to download until the end of March. The download has to be done when connected to a Kau network.
Library PressDisplay provides online access to more than 2,200 newspapers from 97 countries in 54 languages.
Library PressDisplayis a stand-alone web-based portal which provides online access to more than 2,200 newspaper and magazines from 97 countries in 54 languages.
Publications are presented as full-content digital replicas, which allows users to read on-screen exactly as they would with a familiar print edition.
Karlstad University Library has acquired access to the IBFD Tax Research Platform.
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) is a pre-eminent, independent, non-profit foundation that promotes and disseminates the understanding of cross-border taxation at the highest level.
The IBFD Tax Research Platform is the front-end access to all IBFD products which allows you to view all information related to your subscriptions at once.
New legal database available.
Westlaw International is a comprehensive collection of full text legal resources including both primary and secondary material from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Australia and Hong Kong.
Westlaw International gives access to legal information in full-text legislation, case law, treaties and law reviews.
New dictionaries online!
The university library have subscribes to several dictionaries from Norstedts through Wordfinder online.
The dictionaries are available on the university or by logging in with your NetID. If you creatre a personal account using your @kau email address you can also download an app to your cellphone.
Students and employees may search bilingual dictionaries from Norstedts, in English, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, French, Finnish and German.
2012 the cooperation between libraries in Värmland won the prize "Library of the year".
15 January staff from all the libraries in Värmland gather to celebrate the prize at Karlstad university.
6 new databases have been acquired and are available from January 2013.
Library Press Display - International newspapers . INFO
Norstedts ordböcker online via Wordfinder – Dictionaries from Norstedts in swedish, english, german, french, italian. INFO
Britannica Image Quest Access more than two million rights-cleared images. INFO
Retriever Business Business database placing Affärsdata. INFO
Westlaw Inernational law. INFO
IBFD Tax Research platform INFO
Information from Dawsonera:
"This Saturday, the 8th December 2012, we will be performing an essential upgrade on the dawsonera web service and will require an outage between the hours of 10am and 6pm, GMT. The outage window will be used to improve the resilience and service offering of dawsonera.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this period."
Access newspapers from all over the world!
Instant access to 2200 newspapers from 97 countries in 54 languages.
On the left-hand side of the screen you will see Newsline; these are articles that readers recommend.
To view top stories of News, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Editorial scroll down
To select the publication you wish to read click Select Newspaper on the toolbar along the top of the screen. You can now choose titles by country, language or alphabeticall
Hjälp oss testa Encyclopedia Britannica's bilddatabas Image Quest som innehåller över 2 miljoner bilder som är tillåtna att användas i utbildningssyften, te x i olika presentationer och projekt.
Access more than two million rights-cleared images from over 50 of the best collections in the world...
Image Quest demonstration video
Image Quest Information Leaflet
Test period until 15 november. Please tell us what you think!
View more test periods
Until the end of November we are testing two different platforms for dictionaries.
Available through NE:
Click on the image/link "Norstedts" at the top right.
Norstedts Professionell engelska ordbok
Norstedts Stora engelska ordbok
Norstedts Stora tyska ordbok
Norstedts Stora franska ordbok
Norstedts Stora spanska ordbok
Norstedts Lilla engelska ordbok
Norstedts Lilla tyska ordbok
Norstedts Lilla franska ordbok
Norstedts Lilla spanska o
Get to know the person behind the name!
On floor 3 you now can see a small book exhibition on Biography books. By searching the catalog you will find more books and ebooks on this subject.
Due to the rebuilding of the entrance on floor 2, the opening hours for the newspaper reading room will follow the library´s opening hours.
The extended opening hours vill start again January 2013.
SRMO - A research methods tool
In SAGE Research Methods Online, you will find over 600 full text-books on research methods. There are books on specific methods as well as books on research in different subjects.
You can read the books online, but you also have the possibility to download individual chapters as PDF:s.
Sage Research Methods Online
The system for study room bookings in now found on "My page";
The booking system for the library's study rooms and study cells are now moved to the university's main booking system TimeEdit.
Students log in through My Page with the student user account. Choose the link "Grupprumsbokning".
Try our new service for finding articles and books in one search.
Do you find it difficult to choose a database?
OneSearch is a tool that allows you to search a range of resources at once, including books, e-books, articles, reports, and more.
OneSearch is a great place to start your research because it helps you quickly search across many resources at once, rather than searching individual databases.