About Information Systems
Almost all companies today use some form of IT-systems, regardless of industry. To these, often complex, systems should be able to consistent with predefined demands, developed, be implemented and integrated then you who have knowledge in information systems are needed.
Since the interaction with the operating environment is important to us, we want to create many different places where our students and their future employers can make connections. Some examples are mentors, business breakfast, networking with companies and several training provides the opportunity to Internship. More and more students choose to study one or more semesters at a university abroad. At the same time there is an opportunity for foreign students to come to us. Exchanges in both directions provides experiences and lifelong friends. And not least a merit for professional careers.
Our students engage in society, for instance through case studies at organisations and companies. One example is the course Service Management and IT. Here organisations offer real life cases for students to give creative soulutions. Read more about when the students worked out creative solutions for the Swedish Consumer Agency:
Information Systems is part of Karlstad Business School.