Distance courses

All distance courses at undergraduate and Master’s level are listed below. Most of the courses are taught in Swedish. Please note that some courses are offered both as campus and distance.

Bachelor's thesis in Biology 15.0 ECTS credits
Behavioural Ecology 15.0 ECTS credits
Biological methods and analyses 15.0 ECTS credits
Biology and Biology Teaching 2 30.0 ECTS credits
Biology and Biology Teaching 3 30.0 ECTS credits
Biology and Biology Teaching 4 7.5 ECTS credits
Biology and Biology Teaching 5 22.5 ECTS credits
Biology for Teaching 1 30.0 ECTS credits
Botany 15.0 ECTS credits
Cellbiology 15.0 ECTS credits
Conservation Biology 15.0 ECTS credits
Conservation Science for Sustaining Biodiversity 15.0 ECTS credits
Degree project, Secondary education - Biology and Biology Teaching 15.0 ECTS credits
Degree project, Secondary education - Science and Science Teaching 15.0 ECTS credits
Ecology 15.0 ECTS credits
Ecosystems in a Changing World 15.0 ECTS credits
Education and Learning for Sustainable Development 7.5 ECTS credits
Evolution 15.0 ECTS credits
Floristics and faunistics 15.0 ECTS credits
Freshwater Biology 15.0 ECTS credits
Landscape Ecology 15.0 ECTS credits
Master thesis in biology 30.0 ECTS credits
Master thesis in biology 60.0 ECTS credits
Practical course in Biology 15.0 ECTS credits
Research-Based School Development - Bridging Programme after third-cycle qualification 7.5 ECTS credits
Science and Science Teaching 4 7.5 ECTS credits
Science and Science Teaching 5 22.5 ECTS credits
Science for Teaching 1 30.0 ECTS credits
Scientific Literacy for Teaching 2 30.0 ECTS credits
Scientific Literacy for Teaching 3 30.0 ECTS credits
Scientific Methods in Freshwater Ecology 15.0 ECTS credits
Scientific theoretical perspectives on subject-specific education 1 7.5 ECTS credits
Scientific theoretical perspectives on subject-specific education 2 7.5 ECTS credits
Subject-specific specialisation 2: Specialisation in subject-specific education 7.5 ECTS credits
To lead professional development in subject-specific education 2 7.5 ECTS credits
Zoology 15.0 ECTS credits