Recent publications
Every year, our researchers contribute to the academic literature by producing a large number of publications of various types — including articles for academic journals, research reports, books, and dissertations.
- Fyrberg Yngfalk, A. & Fellesson, M. (2024) Service with(out) a smile: The reproduction of gendered consumer violence. Marketing Theory.
- Lättman, K., Olsson L.E., & Friman, M. (2024). Perceived Accessibility: Unveiling Inequalities in Transport Justice. Sustainable Transport and Livability. 1 (1)
- Skålén, P. (2024). Framework of Services-as-Practices. Journal of Service Research, DOI: 10.1177/10946705241274128
- Caridà, A., Colurcio, M. & Edvardsson, B. (2024). Leveraging TSR and social innovation for social inclusion via platforms. The Service Industries Journal,
- Sarno, D., Enquist, B., Polese, F., Sebastiani, R., Petros Sebhatu, S., & Viljakainen, A. M. (2024). A processual view on sustainability transitions in service ecosystems. Journal of Service Management. Online publication.
- Sebhatu, S. P., Hamdan Q. & Fisk, R. (2024) Conceptualizing service ethics for complex modern service interactions, The Service Industries Journal.
- Zarabi, Z., Waygood, E. O. D., Olsson, L. E., Friman, M., & Gousse-Lessard, A. S. (2024). Enhancing public transport use: The influence of soft pull interventions. Transport Policy, 153, 190-203.
- Jiménez Romanillos, E., Williams, H. & Wever, R. (2024). Unpacking behariours: A literature tudy and Research Agenda on Consumer Behaviour in Packaging-Free Systems. Packaging Technology and Science.
- Abadzhiev, A., Sukhov, A. & Johnson, M. (2024). Business model innovation for reducing uncertainty in sustainability transitions: A case study of the wood construction industry. Creativity and Innovation Management, (Published online).
- Dipietro, L., Ungaro, V., Renzi, M. F, and Edvardsson, B. (2024). Exploring Volunteers' Role in Healthcare Service Ecosystems: Value Co-Creation, Self-Adjustment, and Re-Humanization. Journal of Service Management.