Conference on teaching and assessment at Karlstad University on 28 September 2017
All staff, tutors, research supervisors, study advisers, directors of study, course and programme administrators, programme coordinators, and others interested in developing teaching and assessing in higher education, are invited to the second development conference on 28 September at Karlstad University.
Collegial discussion and sharing experience across disciplines and professional categories are central. You are welcome to participate with a presentation or simply to attend for inspiration
The theme is student active learning and assessment formats
International and national guidelines for quality in higher education as well as literature on student learning emphasise the importance of student active forms of learning and assessment based on learning outcome achievement and guaranteeing legal certainty. Presently, there are many opportunities to integrate technological and digitally supported forms of instruction in more traditional forms. A well thought out design of learning outcomes, assessment and forms of instruction can motivate students to work actively, while tutors and examiners have a better chance to assess students’ knowledge and skills at different stages of the course.
Programme 28 September:
The conference format includes keynote speaker, sessions and an open meeting place
08.30 Registration and mingle, coffee/tea and sandwiches
09.00 Opening
12.00 Conference lunch
15.15 Concluding
16.00 Closing
Place: Lagerlöfsalen, 1A305 and Transformum
Signing up and conference fee: The conference is free of charge for participants from Karlstad University. Make a note in your calendar and sign up now at
Presentation formats
The aim of the conference is to stimulate and inspire teaching staff at Karlstad University, thus contributing to the quality enhancement of teaching and assessment in our courses and programmes. Teachers have the opportunity to present good examples and development projects based on student active learning.Their own presentations and inspiration from others can be used to develop their own pedagogical portfolio in support of application for promotion to merited lecturer.
We invite contributions to different perspectives on the conference theme, for instance, student active instruction formats, digitally, in a classroom, or combined, or how challenges of assessment and grading criteria can be addressed. The presentations must include practice as well as theory.
Submission of abstracts: 20 March – 20 May
All members of staff at Karlstad University are welcome to submit abstracts with a focus on student active learning and assessment formats (max 200 words). Submitted abstracts are reviewed by a group of teachers representing the Professional Development Unit and the faculties.
20 March | First day of abstract submission |
20 May | Last day of abstract submission |
20 June | Notification of acceptance/rejection and feedback from reviewer |
18 August | Last day of final abstract submission |
8 September | Programme and abstract catalogue published |
28 September | Conference presentation |
Organiser: Centre for Teaching and Learning, Universitetspedagogiska enheten - UPE
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