Språk och tanke
7.5 HPDoes our language restrict the thoughts we can have? What comes first,
thinking or speaking? Does learning a new language shape the way we
think? These are some of the questions that have sparked controversy.
This course aims at introducing students to a range of issues in
relation to language and thought and at providing them with a solid
grounding for further participation in the debate. The course brings
together findings from linguistics, psychology, and philosophy. The
course is an advanced course and advanced academic and self-directed
learning skills as well as scholarly discourse in English are expected.
The course is taught in English and a high English language proficiency level is required
thinking or speaking? Does learning a new language shape the way we
think? These are some of the questions that have sparked controversy.
This course aims at introducing students to a range of issues in
relation to language and thought and at providing them with a solid
grounding for further participation in the debate. The course brings
together findings from linguistics, psychology, and philosophy. The
course is an advanced course and advanced academic and self-directed
learning skills as well as scholarly discourse in English are expected.
The course is taught in English and a high English language proficiency level is required
A1N (har endast kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav)
Avancerad nivå
90 hp varav minst 30 hp på G2F-nivå inom något av huvudområdena Engelska, Svenska språket, Lingvistik, Psykologi, Filosofi eller Antropologi samt Engelska 6 eller B. Motsvarandebedömning kan göras.
Mer information
Detaljer för Distans (Ortsoberoende), 50%
- Studieort: Ortsoberoende