Testperiod på den sociologiska databasen SocINDEX
2015-04-24Största databasen inom sociologi och närliggande ämnen
SocINDEX offers coverage from all subdisciplines of sociology, including abortion, anthropology, criminology, criminal justice, cultural sociology, demography, economic development, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, politics, religion, rural sociology, social psychology, social structure, social work, sociological theory, sociology of education, substance abuse, urban studies, violence, welfare, and many others.
Sedan tidigare har vi abonnemang på sociologidatabasen Sociological Abstracts. Passa på att testa och jämföra databaserna.
Testperioden pågår t.o.m. den 23 maj 2015
SöK i Sociological Abstracts