Öppen föreläsning med John Tomlinson
2014-08-28Årets Ander Visiting Professor in Global Media Studies, professor emeritus John Tomlinson, håller en öppen föreläsning torsdagen den 18 september med rubriken "Localities".
John Tomlinson är professor emeritus och tidigare verksam vid Nottingham Trent University i Storbritannien. Han har skrivit flera betydelsefulla böcker inom området, bland annat Cultural Imperialism och Globalization and Culture.
Så här beskriver han sin kommande föreläsning "Localities":
- Within much of the rhetoric of globalization the idea of the ‘locality’ appears as a self-evident category – the stable counterpart of the tumultuous global dynamic of modernity. We generally conceive of the local according to rather vague and overlapping criteria: as specific geographical places; as a measure of scale; according to a type of social formation - ‘community’; in terms of judgements of cultural taste and value – so ‘authentic’ or ‘parochial’; or even in terms of historical endurance. Often, indeed, the abstract idea of a locality seems to clothe itself in our minds in the features of a more concrete settlement, like a village. But how can we best understand localities in a globalized world? The lecture will explore this question using examples from the built environment and will conclude by considering the implication of the media in the constitution of modern localities.
Föreläsningen, som hålls på engelska, är öppen för studenter och personal.
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