Installationsföreläsning – Mette Mortensen, Ander visiting professor in Geomedia studies
- 12 september
- 14:00 – 15:30
- Fryxellsalen, Karlstads universitet
- Mingel med dryck och tilltugg från 15:30
- Anmälan
Do We Still Trust in Images? Visual Evidence in Conflicts
Images are simultaneously met with great trust and great mistrust. This paradox is most apparent in relation to visual evidence of conflicts, such as the wars in Syria, Ukraine, and Gaza, as well as the Capitol Hill Riots. These images carry high stakes in the quest for truth. Much faith is placed in the authority and authenticity of photographs and videos to show events as they ‘really’ happened - in the courtroom, news media, social media, documentaries, activism, art, and the writing of history.
However, skepticism towards visual evidence has only grown in recent years due to the sheer number of visuals documenting events, along with the advanced capabilities of digital technologies and AI to manipulate images and create deepfakes. Visual evidence is routinely accused of being propaganda, misinformative, and fake news.
This inaugural talk discusses the risk that we may reach the point where we no longer believe in images as evidence. Such a scenario would be dire, as visual evidence plays a key democratic role by settling questions of guilt and responsibility and documenting breaches of laws and human rights.