Disputation i arbetsvetenskap
David Regin Öborn försvarar sin doktorsavhandling i arbetsvetenskap "The indeterminate position in-between. Work relations amongst university administrators"
Doktorsavhandling David Regin Öborn 2024:31
Här följer en kort sammanfattning av studien:
What happens to work relationships in the aftermath of organisational change? While the processes of reorganisation have been extensively studied, this workplace study of administrative staff at a Swedish university examines the evolving roles, relations, and positions of departmental administrators years after previous restructurings have taken place.
The results are presented in four research papers, focusing on aspects such as loyalties, technology, belongings and visibility, that together paint a picture of the administrators as being in an indeterminate position between different actors, expectations and organisational logics. This position comes with both risks related to the tension between management and academics, and possibilities in terms of increased agency as individuals as well as a group.
This case study is situated within broader trends in society, such as new public management and the transformation of gendered occupations. While set within a university, the transformation of management doctrines and administrative work is also well known to be occurring in other sectors, such as healthcare, education and law enforcement making the findings in this study relevant to other settings.
Händelsen är öppen för allmänheten.
- Lena Abrahamsson, opponent, professor, Luleå tekniska universitet
- Tina Forsberg, betygsnämnd, docent, Högskolan Dalarna
- Lisa Björk, betygsnämnd, docent, Institutet för stressmedicin, Göteborg
- Patrik Hall, betygsnämnd, professor, Malmö universitet
- Ropak Sandy
Telefon: 076-128 39 19
E-post: ropak.sandy@kau.se