CGF Seminar and Workshop with Nina Lykke
Welcome to this CGF seminar and workshop! Poetic-Philosophic Writing as Research Practice May 28, 2024
Nina Lykke is Professor Emerita of Gender Studies, former professor in Gender studies at Tema Genus, Linköping University, Sweden. Her current research focuses on cancer cultures, critical patienthood studies, geopolitics of cancer, queer widowhood, death, dying, mourning and spirituality in queerfeminist materialist and decolonial perspectives. She is also doing research on autophenomenographic writing, and experimenting with ways to combine poetic and narrative writing with critical-affirmative philosophical and cultural theoretical inquiries. She most recently published, jointly with colleagues, Feminist Reconfigurations of Alien Encounters. Ethical Co-Existence in More-than-Human Worlds. London: Routledge (2024), Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms: And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge (2024) and her recent monograph Vibrant Death. A Posthuman Phenomenology of Mourning. London: Bloomsbury Academic (2022). Nina Lykke is co-founder of the International Network for Queer Death Studies, and the International Network for ECOcritical and DECOlonial Research. This workshop is part of the programme of the annual Trans Research Residency at the Centre for Gender Studies, Karlstad University. Please register for participation with Wibke Straube no later than May 22!
Contact information Faculty administrator: Jennie Särnmark, Seminar organiser(s): Wibke Straube,