CGF Higher Seminar: When the personal becomes the unpolitical
Jono Van Belle (Dep. for Media and Communication, Örebro University) and Maria Jansson (Gender Studies, Örebro University).
Jono Van Belle is a postdoctoral researcher on the project Digiscreens and Senior Lecturer in the department of Media- and Communication Studies at the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. She earned her joint PhD in Communication and Cinema Studies at Ghent University and Stockholm University in 2019.
Maria Jansson is an associate professor of political science and professor of gender studies at Örebro University. Her research concerns women's conditions in society, how politics contributes to shaping and changing these conditions, and how women themselves through political actions contribute to change. She has also been interested in issues of equality and learning for a long time.
She is currently leading the Swedish team in the Digiscreens project on identity and democracy on digital film and TV platforms in Europe, which studies digital distribution and how it affects content and presentation on the platforms, as well as how the audience negotiates fictional content in relation to their own democratic values.
The project is funded by the ERA-net initiative Chanse, Swedish financier Forte. The project is a collaboration between Lithuania, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.