Geomedia update
Dear Geomedians, here is a new selection of news and points of information related to the Centre for Geomedia Studies!
Dear Geomedians,
First, I hope you’ve had a good beginning of the new year – and thank you for productive work during 2024! If you want to refresh your memory of what we achieved during last year, I recommend you to take a look at our news archive where some of the highlights are covered.
In 2025, we can look forward to a number of exciting events and activities, where the 6th International Geomedia Conference – themed “Transforming Passions” – will be the crescendo! Georgia and Doris are in charge of the conference planning and more information will be posted continuously at our conference website:
Visiting researchers 2025
In addition to our current Ander Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies for the 2024-25 academic year, Prof. Mette Mortensen (Copenhagen University), there will also be a special visiting professor during 2025 to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Geomedia’s activities (including the Geomedia Speaker Series and the Geomedia Conference): Prof. Annette Hill, Jönköping University. Annette will visit us several times during the year; more information about her visits will be posted soon! Annette will also be one of the keynote speakers at the Geomedia conference in September!
During the spring semester, we will be visited by Ana Jorge, Associate Professor at Lusofóna University, Lisbon. Ana will visit Geomedia from mid-March to mid-May to conduct research in collaboration with us. She will also give a presentation in the Geomedia Speaker Series on 8 May, 1-3 PM (more information to be posted).
In the autumn semester, throughout September, we will be visited by Paul Adams, Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Paul is probably familiar to most of you as he was our visiting professor in 2016-17. He will come to Karlstad as part of his research sabbatical and also figure as one of the plenary speakers at the Geomedia conference.
New advisory board for 2025-27
As the 3-year mandate period of the Geomedia advisory board came to an end in December 2024, a new board with partly new members has been appointed. I want to thank the outgoing members Malin Rönnblom, Bo Reimer and Josefina Syssner for their important contributions to Geomedia. These are the members of the new board:
Mia Larson, Professor in Business Administration (KaU), CHAIR (new)
Annette Hill, Professor in Media and Communication Studies (JU) (new)
Natasha Webster, Associate Professor in Human Geography (OrU) (new)
Mia Landin, CEO, Visit Värmland (re-elected)
Anders Lithner, CEO, Brandmetrics (re-elected)
The application grant for 2025 has been awarded to Peter Wikström, Associate Professor in English (KaU). Congratulations! Peter will be employed part-time by Geomedia during September-December to work on a project application to RJ. The planned project will study paratextual material related to video games, and will be developed in collaboration with the Embracer Game Archive in Karlstad.
As Cornelia has previously communicated, our next Geomedia Research Relay will take place on Thursday 16 January, 2-4 PM. We will read and discuss articles by Mette Mortensen and Karin Fast & Trine Syvertsen. The seminar will be followed by drinks/food at Joan’s.
If you want to stay updated regarding the businesses of Geomedia, please note that the minutes from our management and advisory board meetings are posted in the Geomedia folder at KaU Box
Follow Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
Best wishes,
Dear Geomedians
We’re in the midst of a hectic close-to-the-end of the semester period. So, thank you all who attended Natasha Webster’s talk in our Speaker Series yesterday! Today, Tuesday, she will also lead a Geomedia workshop with PhD students.
Also today, it is time for our monthly Geomedia Lunch (first Tuesday every month)! If you want to join, we gather by the stairs on Floor 3 at 11.40!
Here are some other points of Geomedia information:
The preliminary programme for the Geomedia Day is attached to this email. We’re looking forward to an interesting and fun day with discussions and socializing. To join, send an email to Cornelia Brantner no later than 20 May. Please, indicate if you will attend the whole day or parts of the day, and mention any special diets or food allergies.
Our preparations for the next Geomedia Conference (17-19 September 2025) have begun. I’m happy to inform that Georgia Aitakiwill be our conference director this time. In addition to the organizational team there will be an academic committee led by Richard Ek.
The 2024-25 Ander Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies: It is now official that our next visiting professor will be Professor Mette Mortensen from the University of Copenhagen. Professor Mortensen is a specialist in visual studies, especially related to images of war and conflict. We’re looking forward to welcoming her to Geomedia soon after summer. More information about Mette’s visits to Karlstad will follow as soon as possible.
In the middle of June, Geomedia will be visited by another researcher, Jordan Frith, who is the Pearce Professor of Professional Communication at Clemson University. Jordan is a specialist in mobile communication and digital infrastructure studies. He will visit us for a couple of days around 12-14 June as part of an upcoming research leave.
As previously communicated, our next Geomedia Research Relay, as well as the Advanced Spatial Theory seminar, will take place on 16 May. For more detailed information and readings, see previous email from Cornelia (26 April)!
Finally, it is a pleasure to acknowledge that two key Geomedia members, Lotta Braunerhielm and Linda Ryan Bengtsson, have been promoted to associate professors (docents). Congratulations to both of you! Well deserved!
If you want to stay updated regarding the businesses of Geomedia, please note that the minutes from our management and advisory board meetings are posted in the Geomedia folder at KaU Box.
Follow Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
Feel free to contact me if you have something to share in Geomedia Update, or post it directly on the Geomedia list!
Best wishes,
Dear Geomedians,
I hope you have had a good beginning of the spring semester. As you will see below, Geomedia can offer a number of exciting things to look forward to, both in the short and long term. There will be something for everyone!
Geomedia Lunches: From now on, we will invite all Geomedians to join for lunch on the first Tuesday of every month. For this activity, there is no other obligation than to take a short walk to a nearby restaurant and eat (and maybe talk) together with fellow Geomedians. The first lunch will take place on March 5th!
A new Geomedia seminar series, Advanced Spatial Theory, led by Richard Ek, will start during this semester. It will be a forum for theoretical conversations around cutting-edge theory, related to recent literature. The first meeting will take place on Thursday, May 16th, 13.00-14.30. Location: Monitorn (Downtown). More info to follow.
Geomedia Outreach – a roundtable discussion for new and prospective Geomedia friends: On Wednesday, March 13th, 09.30-11.30 (Room Aventinen), we organize an informal meeting with colleagues from various parts of KaU, who want to meet Geomedia and learn more about our activities. If you know people who are interested in collaborating with us, or want to come yourself, please contact me.
The next Geomedia Day will take place on Tuesday, June 11th. As always, there will be a combination of presentations, workshops and social activities (i.e., dinner and shuffleboard). So, mark your calendars! A full programme and practical details will be communicated in due time.
There are several events scheduled in the Geomedia Speaker Series:
- Our next event is an online panel focusing on Digital Work Geographies on February 22nd, 14.00-16.00, featuring Lizzie Richardson, Alessandro Gandini and Erika Polson
- Upcoming speaker 1 (live): Natasha Webster, Örebro/Stockholm University, 6-7 May
- Upcoming speaker 2 (live): Nick Couldry, LSE, 19-20 September
Our next Geomedia Research Relay will take place on Thursday, March 14th, 15.00-16.30 (Monitorn). We will discuss articles by Lotta Braunerhielm and Linda Ryan Bengtsson. After the discussion, everyone is welcome to The Leprechaun Pub to play dart and have a good time. More info will follow; see also separate email with reading material from Cornelia.
A new episode of the Geomedia Podcast is out, featuring Jolynna Sinanan, Manchester University
The management team is happy to announce that the 6th International Geomedia Conference will take place in Karlstad on 17-19 September 2025. The conference theme is yet to be decided. There will be many opportunities for you to be involved in this event – which also marks the 10-year anniversary of the conference!
A reminder about conference funding in 2024: As previously mentioned, Geomedia has allocated a budget for conference travel in 2024. If you have an accepted paper within the profile areas of Geomedia you are welcome to apply. The management team will make decisions continually, as long as there is funding left. What we need is an abstract of the accepted paper, a budget and a short motivation. We will prioritize researchers whose funding opportunities (e.g., externally funded projects) are otherwise limited.
Geomedia on Facebook
Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
The Geomedia Podcast
Best wishes,
Dear Geomedians, We’re coming to the end of the year, and here is the final Geomedia Update for 2023.
You can find a special Christmas edition of the newsletter, with a summary of 2023, here:
First, some points of information from the management team:
Career grant for 2024
The career grant for 2024 has been awarded to Dr. Xin Liu, Department of Social and Psychological Studies. Xin is a senior lecturer in gender studies and will work on the finalization of a book manuscript with the working title Making Air Smart: The Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Atmospheric Data, which will be submitted to an international publisher. We welcome Xin to the Geomedia community and look forward to further collaboration.
Seed funding
The management team has also granted seed funding to Lotta Braunerhielm (preparations for KK project application) and Christian Ritter (networking trip to Singapore). Good luck with your networking and research preparation activities!
Conference funding in 2024
Geomedia has allocated a budget for conference travel in 2024. If you have an accepted paper within the profile areas of Geomedia you are welcome to apply. The management team will make decisions continually, as long as there is funding left. What we need is an abstract of the accepted paper, a budget and a short motivation. We will prioritize researchers whose funding opportunities (e.g., externally funded projects) are otherwise limited.
Save the date
Our next Geomedia Speaker Series event, tentatively entitled Digital Work Geographies, will take place on Zoom in the afternoon of February 22nd (time TBA). This will be an interactive panel event with presentations from Lizzie Richardson (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Erika Polson (University of Denver) and Alessandro Gandini (University of Milan). More information will follow soon!
Our next Geomedia Research Relay will take place on Thursday, March 14th, 15.00-16.30 (Monitorn). More information will follow soon!
Finally, if you want to stay updated regarding the businesses of Geomedia, please note that the minutes from our management meetings are always posted in the Geomedia folder at KaU Box.
Geomedia on Facebook
Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
The Geomedia Podcast
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The Geomedia Conference
The Geomedia Conference in Tampere (20-22 Sep) turned out in a very good way, involving many interesting discussions and opportunities for networking. We are very grateful to our Finnish colleagues who organized the conference. Also, thank you everyone who participated and made this a memorable event! We hope to make video recordings from the keynote lectures available soon.
Seed funding
The management team has recently granted seed funding to John Lynch (research visit to Tokyo and Kyoto) and Georgia Aitaki (research visit to Copenhagen). Good luck with your networking and research preparation activities!
Funding opportunities for 2024
The 2024 budget is not finalized yet, but our intention is to announce one career grant for the autumn semester. The call will be circulated in November, so stay tuned. In addition, there will be seed funding and conference funding available also in 2024. More details to come!
inaugural lecture and mingle
Don’t forget to register for the inaugural lecture and mingle with our new Ander Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies, Pablo Abend, whose talk is enticingly entitled “The mediatization of space through navigational interfaces, or: the digital map as a symptom of (almost) everything that has happened with media”.
Geomedia Podcast
Two new episodes of the Geomedia Podcast, led by John Lynch, was recently published; #20 Radical Ocean Futures, featuring Andrew Merrie of Stockholm Resilience Centre, and #21 Diplomatic Material, featuring Jason Dittmer of University College London.
Finally, I want to thank Karin Fast who did a great job as deputy director of Geomedia during my period of parental leave. Karin is now back in her role as research coordinator at Geomedia.
Follow Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
// André
Finally, we can announce the great news that our next visiting professor will be Dr. Pablo Abend, who is currently Professor in Design Theory at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. Pablo will begin his work at the centre in the early fall of 2023 and continue throughout the spring of 2024. Those who attend the Geomedia conference in Tampere in September will get the chance to meet him there, and his first stay in Karlstad is scheduled for late October, week 43.
The preliminary time for Abend’s inaugural talk is October 24, at 2.30 pm, and most likely Abend will organize an online Speaker Series panel in the afternoon of November 14. Please, mark your calendars for both of these events! More information will be circulated in due time.
On May 22 and 23rd, we were happy to welcome our current Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies, Stijn Reinders, back to Karlstad. On the first day of his stay, Stijn organized a workshop on the theme of “Academic self-confidence and positioning as a young academic”, and on the second day, he gave a talk at MKV’s Higher Seminar, called “Setting the Scene: Academic interventions in the media and tourism industries”. Geomedia’s upcoming network visit to the Erasmus University Rotterdam, June 14-16, will mark the end of Stijn’s guest professorship. We will make sure to thank him for his great work for Geomedia and the department.
The Faculty Board recently decided to prolong the current investment in the Centre for Geomedia Studies for one more year (at a minimum).
Many “Geomedians” participated in this year’s installation of the Geomedia Day, at Stadshotellet Elite, Karlstad, on June 1st. The theme of the day was “Keywords of Geomedia Studies”, and two workshops fueled by 67 self-reported research topics (from 13 participants) generated valuable and potentially productive discussions. The day also featured brief presentations by Cornelia and Lena about their Geomedia funded writing projects, as well as a dialogue between the management team and our Advisory Board about opportunities and challenges for our centre. The day ended with a nerve-wrecking shuffleboard tournament (congratulations to the winners!) followed by a relaxing dinner. Thanks to all of you who made this day happen!
As you all know, the 2022 annual report for our Centre was due in early April, 2023. The report was successfully submitted to the Faculty. We thank everyone who contributed information to the report!
If you, for example, need financial support to organize a workshop, make a relevant study visit, go on a shorter application-writing retreat, or the similar, you may apply for seed money from Geomedia, at any point in time. Information about the application criteria has been circulated via Geomedia’s email list. Reach out if you want to know more.
If you have not seen it already, make sure to watch – and circulate – our new promotional video on YouTube.
Also, check out:
Geomedia on Facebook
Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
Don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast: GEOMEDIA PODCAST
Although we still have a couple of weeks of work ahead of us before we go on holiday, allow me to say thank you for your cooperation during this academic year! Have a relaxing summer!
// Karin
Welcome Henrik!
As of February 1, Henrik Bergius is our new Geomedia PhD student. Henrik has an interest in digital exclusion in the domain of public transport. We are happy to welcome Henrik to the centre and look forward to following your PhD project!
Changes in the management team
As per a decision made at our latest Geomedia management meeting (Jan 26, 2023), Richard Ek has now joined the team as a regular member. We greet Richard welcome!
The Geomedia Day: June 1, 2023
Our next Geomedia Day is preliminarily planned to take place at ‘Stadshotellet Elite’ in downtown Karlstad, on June 1, so please mark your calendars. Of course, we hope that as many of you as possible can attend this full-day event. The advisory board is invited too. More information to come!
Call for papers: Geomedia 2023 – Digital Geographies of Hope
The planning of the 5th International Geomedia Conference – Tampere, Finland, 20-22 Sep 2023 – continues. The deadline for thematic panel and individual paper proposals is approaching: March 10.
Geomedia Speaker Series and Research Relay
Our next Geomedia speakers will be Prof. Christian Fuentes, Lund University, 9-10 March, and Prof. Jason Dittmer, University College London, 4-5 May. The next research relay will take place on 6 April. Then, Christian Ritter and Ulrika Åkerlund will present their work. Further information about these events has been – and will be – circulated by Cornelia.
Geomedia on YouTube and Facebook
If you have not seen it already, make sure to watch – and circulate – our new promotional video on YouTube
Don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast as well as Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau and Facebook
// Karin Fast
A new (and first) research project in Geomedia
Congratulations to Cornelia Brantner (p.i.), Raul Ferrer Conill, Michael Karlsson and Elizabeth van Couvering for the successful grant application entitled ”Den digitala infrastrukturens suveränitet: Mot en offentlig värdebaserad mediepolitik för den datadrivna svenska välfärdsstaten”! The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council (6.8 MSEK) and is the first project to be formally classified as part of the Geomedia centre.
Decisions on career grants and seed funding 2023
The management team has decided to accept three career-grant applications. The grants, which enable research time during fall 2023, are awarded to the following main applicants: Georgia Aitaki, Christian Ritter and Ulrika Åkerlund. Seed funding is awarded to Lotta Braunerhielm. Congratulations and good luck with your work!
Call for papers: Geomedia 2023 – Digital Geographies of Hope
The planning of the 5th International Geomedia Conference – Tampere, Finland, 20-22 Sep 2023 – continues. The CfP is now in circulation, including the names of our keynote speakers.
Changes in the Geomedia management team
Mekonnen Tesfahuney has decided to leave the management team. We want to thank Mekonnen for constructive work and extensive contributions to Geomedia – ever since it all started in 2013! The substitute for Mekonnen (until decision about new ordinary member) is Richard Ek. During January-August 2023, Karin Fast will be the deputy director of Geomedia while André Jansson is on parental leave.
Geomedia Speaker Series and Research Relay
Don’t miss to schedule our upcoming Speaker Series and Research Relay events! Our next Geomedia speaker will be Prof. Christian Fuentes, Lund University, 9-10 March. The research relays during spring will take place on 9 February and 6 April. Further information about these events has been – and will be – circulated by Cornelia.
With this update, the management team and I want to thank you for the great contributions you’ve made to our research centre during 2022!
Don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast as well as Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
//André Jansson
We’re currently in the darkest period of the year, but Geomedia is of course there to brighten things up for you! There are many good things to look forward to.
Geomedia Speaker Series, Global Perspectives on Media Tourism
Don’t miss our next speaker series event, which will take place on the 16 December, 10-12, via Zoom, hosted by our visiting professor Stijn Reijnders, Erasumus University Rotterdam.
Career grants and seed funding 2023
We remind you that the deadline for applying for career grants is on December 19th.
Policy on travel funding
As previously announced, Geomedia has a budget for funding conference participation and travel for those who have been accepted to a conference with a Geomedia-related paper. There is still funding available for the year 2022. In addition, the management team has decided that we can cover travel expenses related to for example workshops (in relevant areas) if other funding alternatives are not available, and as long as our annual budget permits. For further information, please contact André.
Geomedia 2023 – Digital Geographies of Hope
As previously announced, the 5th International Geomedia Conference will take place in Tampere, Finland, hosted by the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication at Tampere University. The conference dates are the 20-22 September, starting with a half-day PhD workshop on the 20th. The conference theme is Digital Geographies of Hope, and the CfP will be circulated in December.
Upcoming dates in our Geomedia Research Relay series
The premiere of our new seminar series (+ social gathering) was much appreciated, and we hope to see more faces at the upcoming meetings. Please note the dates for spring 2023: 9 February and 6 April. The meetings are always at 15.00-16.30 in KaU’s new downtown seminar room, followed by a visit to a local pub. More information about the next meeting will soon be circulated by Cornelia.
If you have any information you want to share in a forthcoming Update, please let me know.
Don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast as well as Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
//André Jansson
Call for PhD student in media and communication studies with a profile in Geomedia:
Feel free to spread the word and circulate our call for a new PhD student funded by Geomedia
Geomedia 2023 to be held in Tampere, Finland
The 5th International Geomedia Conference will take place in September next year hosted by our friends at Tampere University. The conference dates and theme will soon be announced. There will be funding available for Geomedians who want to participate and present papers.
Geomedia Research Relay – premiere of our new seminar series
In our new series, we meet in an informal manner to talk about the most recent work of two Geomedia members. Our first gathering is on November 3, at 15.00-16.30 in KaU’s new downtown seminar room, followed by a visit to a local pub. We will discuss two recent papers, authored by Georgia & Vladimir and André. The two papers along with practical information will be circulated soon.
“Visual regimes of urban platformization”
Don’t miss the open lecture + workshop with our next Geomedia guest speaker, professor Agnieszka Leszczynski, on October 7.
“Stories that move”
Don’t forget to register for the inaugural lecture with our new Geomedia visiting professor Stijn Reijnders, October 11 at 15.00-16.30, followed by mingle
Don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast as well as Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
//André Jansson
Visiting Geomedia professor 2022-23
We’re happy to announce that our next Ander Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies will be Prof. Stijn Reijnders from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Prof. Reijnders is an expert on media tourism and issues related to cultural heritage and popular culture. He will visit Geomedia 2-3 times during the academic year, and his first visit will be on October 10-13. The preliminary date for his inaugural lecture is October 11. More info to follow!
Geomedia Research Relay – our new seminar series
During the upcoming fall semester we will introduce a new seminar series focusing on our own research. We call it the Geomedia Research Relay (GRR). At each seminar, the work of two invited Geomedia colleagues will be discussed. The seminar will take place in KaU’s new downtown meeting room, and will be accompanied by a social gathering. The first meeting is on November 3, at 15.00-16.30. More details will follow!
Geomedia Speaker Series
Our next event will take place on October 6-7, when we are visited by professor Agnieszka Leszczynski, Western University, Canada.
Also, in case you missed our latest online seminar on Gentrification and the Right to the Geomedia City, the recording is available.
The papers that were presented and discussed are available ahead of print at the SAGE journal page of Space and Culture.
Geomedia on MKV-podden
André and Henrik were recently interviewed by MKV-podden, run by our colleagues at Södertörn University, where we discussed Geomedia amongst other things.
Available geomedia courses for PhD students
For those of you interested in Geomedia related issues, please consider that it is possible for you as a PhD student to follow any of the four modules of the MA-programme’s first semester. Each of them gives a thematic angle to geomedia studies and can be converted into an individual study course. If you’re interested, feel free to discuss this further with me and/or your supervisor.
Funding for conference participation
Again, we want to remind everybody that there is a conference budget for Geomedia that should be used during 2022. If you are in need of funding to attend a conference – if you have a Geomedia related conference paper that has been accepted and if there is no other project that provides funding – feel free to contact me. We will allocate conference funding for as long as our budget permits.
If you have any information you want to share in a forthcoming Geomedia Update, please let me know.
Don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast as well as Geomedia on Instagram.
On behalf of the Geomedia management team, I wish you a very nice summer!
/André Jansson
Funding for conference participation
We want to remind everybody that there is a conference budget for Geomedia that should be used during 2022. If you are in need of funding to attend a conference – if you have a Geomedia related conference paper that has been accepted and if there is no other project that provides funding – feel free to contact me. We will allocate conference funding for as long as our budget permits.
Visiting PhD students
As you may already know, Betül Aydoğan, a PhD student from Galatasaray University, Turkey, is visiting us from February to August this year. Her work is on lifestyle migration, urban transformation and place narratives pertaining to a Turkish seaside town. Later in the spring, 16-25 May, we will also be visited by Leif Hemming Pedersen, Roskilde University, whose PhD project is about the struggle for recognition in times of deep mediatization. In relation to this, a PhD student roundtable discussion on mediatization research will be organized on Monday 23 May at 10-12 AM (12A424). Please, contact me or Sol if you are interested in joining.
Upcoming speaker series event
Our next event will be held online (Zoom) on Wednesday 8 June at 1-3 PM and have the theme Gentrification and the Right to the Geomedia City. Three speakers will participate: Leonieke Bolderman (University of Groningen), Jelke Bosma (University of Amsterdam) and Maja Klausen (University of Southern Denmark). Detailed information will soon be distributed.
The Geomedia website has been updated
Please have a look at the new features of our website at If you have any comments, or if you want to update any information, e.g., regarding research projects associated with Geomedia, please contact our communication officer Jonathan Strandlund
Two PhD defenses in one week
Mark your calendars for Sol Agin’s PhD defense – the first Geomedia funded dissertation – on Friday 17 June at 1-3 PM, as well as for Reinhard Handler’s defense on Tuesday 14 June at 1-3 PM. Nailing of both dissertations, 23 May.
News from our advisory board
A special issue of the journal Transformations, entitled Artificial Creativity, has recently been published (open access), edited by Bo Reimer and Bojana Romic:
If you have any information you want to share in a forthcoming Update, do let me know.
And don’t forget to follow our Geomedia podcast as well as Geomedia on Instagram: @geomedia_kau
Projects on the Geomedia website
If you have research projects that are associated with Geomedia but not yet listed on our website, please contact Jonathan Strandlund. This is a good way of getting additional exposure to our work.
Films about the Geomedia MA programme on Youtube
Please check out these really good films presenting the Geomedia programme and spread them in your networks. Our students are great ambassadors.
Geomedia kick-off, 12 May
The programme was circulated in the previous email.
New members of the management team
We welcome Svetlana Chuikina to the Geomedia management team as a new member and doctoral representative, as well as her alternate Peter van Eerbeek! We also welcome three new substitute members; Georgia Aitaki, Richard Ek and Lena Grip.
Upcoming speaker series events
Our next event will be held online in June (date TBA) revolving around the forthcoming special issue of Space and Culture, entitled Gentrification and the Right to the Geomedia City (edited by Maren Hartmann & André Jansson). Three international speakers will participate. The following speaker series event will take place on location in Karlstad on 6-7 October when we are visited by Professor Agnieszka Leszczynski, well-known for her research on digital geographies. Mark your calendar!
/André Jansson